

Crosstown may refer to:

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  • Crosstown — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Crosstown (Missouri) Crosstown (Ohio) Crosstown (Tennessee) Crosstown (West Virginia) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • crosstown — ☆ crosstown [krôs′toun΄ ] adj. 1. running or extending across the main avenues or transportation lines of a town or city [a crosstown bus] 2. located on the other side of a town or city [our crosstown rival] …   English World dictionary

  • crosstown — /kraws town , kros /, adj. 1. situated or traveling in a direction extending across a town or city: a crosstown street; a crosstown bus. adv. 2. in a direction extending across a town or city: The car sped crosstown. n. 3. Informal. a bus running …   Universalium

  • crosstown — adjective Date: 1886 1. situated at opposite points of a town < crosstown schools > 2. extending or running across a town < a crosstown street > < a crosstown bus > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • crosstown — I adjective going or extending across a town or city the crosstown bus crosstown traffic • Syn: ↑cross town • Similar to: ↑crossed II adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • crosstown — adjective a) Extending across a city or town. But you can take the crosstown bus / If its raining or its cold, / And the animals will love it / If you do. b) Connecting different areas of a city or town without passing through downtown. The… …   Wiktionary

  • crosstown — cross|town [ krɔs,taun ] adjective, adverb AMERICAN going across a town: a 15 minute crosstown drive a. from the other side of a town: The team lost 3 0 to crosstown rivals …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • crosstown — UK [ˈkrɒsˌtaʊn] / US [ˈkrɔsˌtaʊn] adjective, adverb American 1) going across a town a 15 minute crosstown drive 2) from the other side of a town The team lost 3–0 to crosstown rivals, United …   English dictionary

  • crosstown — cross•town [[t]ˈkrɔsˌtaʊn, ˈkrɒs [/t]] adj. 1) extending or traveling across to the opposite side of a town or city: a crosstown bus[/ex] 2) across a town or city: to hurry crosstown[/ex] • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • crosstown — cross|town also cross town [ˈkrɔstaun US ˈkro:s ] adj [only before noun] moving in a direction across a town or city ▪ a crosstown bus …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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