Rudolph II of Burgundy

Rudolph II of Burgundy

Rudolf II (died July 11, 937) was king of Upper Burgundy (912–937), Lower Burgundy (Provence) (933–937), and Italy (effective, 922–926—claim abandoned 933). He was the son of Rudolf I, king of Upper Burgundy, and it is presumed that his mother was his father's known wife, Guilla of Provence. He married Bertha of Swabia.

Following his ascension to the throne in 912, Rudolf was asked by several Italian nobles to intervene in Italy on their behalf against Emperor Berengar in 922. Having entered Italy, he was crowned King of the Lombards at Pavia. In 923, he defeated Berengar at Piacenza; Berengar was murdered the following year, possibly at the instigation of Rudolf. The king then ruled Upper Burgundy and Italy together, residing alternately in both kingdoms.

However, in 926 the Italian nobility turned against him and requested that Hugh of Arles, the effective ruler of Provence (or Lower Burgundy), rule them instead. Rudolf returned to Upper Burgundy to protect himself, assuring Hugh's coronation as King of Italy in the process. The Italians then switched sides again, declaring that they wished for Rudolf to reclaim the throne. To prevent this, Hugh and Rudolf signed a treaty in 933, granting Rudolf rule of Lower Burgundy in exchange for his renunciation of all claims on the Italian throne. He married his daughter Adelaide to Hugh's son Lothar. The two Burgundian kingdoms unified, Rudolf ruled until his death in 937. He was succeeded by Conrad.

ee also

*Kingdom of Italy (medieval)
*King of Italy

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