Naamloze Vennootschap

Naamloze Vennootschap

_nl. "Naamloze Vennootschap" (usually abbreviated NV) is the Dutch term for a public limited liability corporation. The company is owned by shareholders, and the company's shares are not registered to certain owners, so that they may be traded on the public stock market.

The phrase literally means "innominate partnership" and comes from the fact that the partners (the shareholders) are not directly known. This is in contrast to the term for a private limited company, which is called _nl. "Besloten Vennootschap" ("corporate partnership").

The _nl. "Naamloze Vennootschap" is a legal entity in The Netherlands, Belgium, Aruba, Suriname, The Netherlands Antilles, and Indonesia, although in Indonesia the Indonesian translation _id. "Perseroan Terbatas" (PT) is more commonly used.

ee also

*Aktiebolag (the corresponding concept in Sweden)
*Aktiengesellschaft (the corresponding concept in Germany)
*Aktieselskab (the corresponding concept in Denmark)
*Osakeyhtiö (the corresponding concept in Finland)
*Public limited company (the corresponding concept in the UK and in Ireland)
*S. A. (the corresponding concept in France, Spain and other Romanic countries)
*Societas Europaea (for the corresponding concept for European companies in the European Union)
*Types of companies
*Types of corporations
*VAT-vidkryte aktsyonerne tovarystvo (the corresponding concept in Ukraine)

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