Bid tv

Bid tv

Infobox TV channel
name = bid tv
logofile = Bid tv logo.png logosize =
logoalt =
launch = October, 2000
share = 0.1%
share as of = June 2008
share source = []
owner = sit-up Ltd
country = flagcountry|United Kingdom
broadcast area = flagcountry|United Kingdom
sister names = speed auction tv, price-drop tv
web = []
terr serv 1 = Freeview
terr chan 1 = Channel 23
sat serv 1 = Sky Digital
sat chan 1 = Channel 654 / 680
sat serv 2 = Freesat
sat chan 2 = Channel 802
cable serv 1 = Virgin Media
cable chan 1 = Channel 745

bid tv (known as "" until 21 January 2005) is a digital television channel based in the UK that runs daily live auctions. It was the first channel of its kind in the world, and has become popular for offering a laid-back, friendly approach to its viewers. Banter is created through the presence of "auction assistants" who help to demonstrate products, as well as informing the viewer of upcoming auctions.

History was launched by its parent company, sit-up Ltd, in October 2000. It started by broadcasting 12 hours a day, much of which were pre-recorded, with auction graphics overlaid so people could bid despite the video itself being pre-recorded. It later extended its broadcasts to 17 hours a day (8am - 1am) and is now completely live inside these hours, with recorded teleshopping offers from TV Shopping Network at all other times.

The channel amassed a cult-following as it spread to various digital platforms. This growth in popularity can also be partly attributed to the use of David Dickinson, ex-presenter of the BBC television series Bargain Hunt, in various television advertising campaigns.

In June 2003 the company behind launched a sister channel called

In April 2004, introduced a new system for bidding known as "Best Bidding". This now meant all bids acted as proxy bidding, so instead of the bid being entered at whatever is bid, the computer would now automatically "bid-up" to the value specified, and not over. At the end of the auction, everyone paid the same price as indicated in the on-screen "auction arrow", thus amounting to a uniform-price auction.

On the channel, an item was advertised with a specific quantity, and a "bid-up from" price triangle. Customers phoned in and bid up from the particular amount. The quantity was used to determine which customers 'win' the auction. For example, if there was a quantity of 50 for the product, then the top 50 bidders would win the auction.

In August 2004 had an "Auction Choice" month, during which they featured both rising and falling price auction hours. The falling price auctions continued after this month and are now the only common auction type on the channel (except for when speed auction tv simulcasts with bid tv).

Prior to December 2004, each item also had a "guide price", described as being the manufacturer's recommended retail price or an average of prices from other retailers. However, these were removed following the collapse of shopping channel Auction, which was criticised for advertising misleading guide prices.

bid tv

In January 2005, the channel was renamed bid tv to reflect the fact that more of its auctions followed the price-drop tv method, meaning that bidders were only rarely bidding "up". bid tv no longer broadcast any live rising-price auctions, only featuring an occasional pre-recorded "speed auction". A new graphic was added in October 2005 to show the start price of falling price auctions.

When originally launched, one of the most popular features was the relaxed style in which the presenters and assistants would have a lot of freedom to interact with each other. For instance, the presenter whose shift was starting would come on air for the last few minutes of the previous presenter's shift and interact with them. However, although still relaxed, this presenter interaction seems to have been stopped with the launch of bid tvFact|date=January 2008. Despite the fact that bid tv no longer uses an auction hall theme, bid tv's presenters exclusively refer to the products they sell as 'lots' and to their customers as 'bidders'. When referring to the next item to be sold the presenters and assistants will say "Closing next..."

Early 2006 saw the bid tv website completely overhauled in an attempt to increase its user-friendliness and overall aesthetic appeal. Its new design was inspired by that of eBay, the world's most popular auction website, in an attempt to capitalise on its popularity.

On May 10, 2006, the on-screen graphics were changed so that products are now sold in pounds and pence, as opposed to just pounds, a change previously incorporated into price-drop tv.

In August 2006, a new graphic was introduced, showing the bid tv website address and a "falling arrow". This is shown as soon as the assistant has shown what is coming up next, and introduces the presenter.

In mid-2007, bid tv began to sell products with choices. On certain products (often bedding or clothes) the customer was able to choose what size or colour they wanted the item in by pressing a certain button once on the phoneline. The graphics for these auctions are different showing the start price, the current price, the quantity of the 'main' choice and a list of other options. When the main choice item is sold out, the price is locked and is what everyone pays regardless of choice made. If another choice is selling faster, then 'limited' appears next to its name and the name vanishes when it has sold out.

As a celebration for bid tv's 7th birthday, in September and October 2007, the channel held a seven weekend megadrop promotion where at least one product each hour between 8:00 pm on Friday and 1:00 am on Sunday was sold for £1 plus postage. bid tv had run similar promotions in the past but this was the first time that bid tv used the price-drop tv name Megadrop.

In order to promote the sister channels of bid tv, (price-drop tv and speed-auction tv) a small preview of what is currently being sold on these channels before each product was introduced in January 2008.

On 21 June 2008, the channel removed the former graphic displaying the channel name, and replaced this with the web address instead.


bid tv uses premium rate phone numbers for both customer services and for bidding on the item ["j) Calls to bid for items cost £1.50 per call from BT lines. Calls from some networks including mobile phones may cost more." From the bid tv [ "Terms & Conditions"] page.] . Additionally, shipping and handling costs at least £7.99 for all items, yet this is not included in the price displayed on screen, (although it is mentioned in smaller text). [Two product pages, archived and provided by the Internet Archive, with the £7.99 price displayed: [ "double strap leather bag in pistachio"] , and [ " medium navy gemstone globe brass stand"] ] . Thus, each items costs at least £9.49 more than the most prominently displayed price. Customers are however able to place bids for items on the website (providing they are registered) so as to avoid the initial £1.50 charge, but not postage and packaging.

The ASA have upheld complaints against bid tv on two separate occasions [] , . In the most serious case they ruled that bid tv had overestimated the guide price of £1700 for "Black Agate Globes"; "Bid-up could only provide proof of one supplier that may have sold the globe for £1700." [ "Broadcast Advertising Adjudications, 23 March 2005"] -(PDF)] In fact, one supplier whom bid tv claimed sold the item for £1700 actually offered to sell the item for £265 with most companies offering the globe for considerably less than £1700: "between £250 and £500." bid tv was therefore found in breach of ASA broadcasting codes for providing accurate pricing.


Present Permanent Hosts

* Andy Hodgson
* Chloe Everton (now at Sky Sports)
* Lynn Taylor
* Peter Simon
* Andy Oliver
* Steve Macdonald
* Andrea Binks
* Danielle Fearnon
* Adam Heppenstall
* Peter Sherlock
* Mark Ryes
* Sean Macintosh
* Carmel Thomas
* James Whale
* David Johnson
* Lindsey Gundersen


* Lisa Brash
* Adèle Sica
* Katie Pilbeam
* Gemma Hadley


External links

* [ Official site]
* [ sit-up Ltd Corporate]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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