- Fratricelli
Fratricelli, a diminutive of the Latin "Fratri" "brothers", can refer to:
* the
Fraticelli , a series of heretical groups
* theFranciscan mendicant order
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Fratricelli, a diminutive of the Latin "Fratri" "brothers", can refer to:
* the
* the
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Fratricelli — Fra tri*cel li, n. pl. [It. fraticelli, lit., little brothers, dim. fr. frate brother, L. frater.] (Eccl. Hist.) (a) The name which St. Francis of Assisi gave to his followers, early in the 13th century. (b) A sect which seceded from the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fratricelli — Fratricelli, Schwärmer des 14. Jahrh., entstanden aus Franciscanern, welche sich, um die großen Spaltungen in dem Orden zu heilen, zu einer besonderen Gesellschaft vereinigt u. Pauperes eremiti Domini Coelestini genannt hatten. Aber verfolgt von… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
FRATRICELLI — I. FRATRICELLI nomen Valdensibusan Beguinis in Italia aspetsum, quorum A. C. 1304. quo summâ crudelitate exterminabantur, doctores erant Gerardus Sagarellus Parmensis, et Delcinus Novariensis. Praeter hos Dantes Aligerius Poeta, et Marsilius… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Fraticelli — Fratricelli Fra tri*cel li, n. pl. [It. fraticelli, lit., little brothers, dim. fr. frate brother, L. frater.] (Eccl. Hist.) (a) The name which St. Francis of Assisi gave to his followers, early in the 13th century. (b) A sect which seceded from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fratricellians — Fratricelli Fra tri*cel li, n. pl. [It. fraticelli, lit., little brothers, dim. fr. frate brother, L. frater.] (Eccl. Hist.) (a) The name which St. Francis of Assisi gave to his followers, early in the 13th century. (b) A sect which seceded from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
BIZOCHI — qui et Fratricelli, secta Minoritarum religiosorum, in Ecclesia Romana damnata a Bonifacio VIII. de quibus multa habent Odoricus Rainaldus A. C. 1297. num. 55. 1321. num. 18. 1331. num. 4. et Waddingus in Annalib. Minor. A. C. 1297. 1317. num. 24 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Fraticelli — The Fraticelli, sometimes confusingly called Fratricelli, were medieval Roman Catholic groups that could trace their origins to the Franciscans, but which came into being as a separate entity. The Fraticelli were declared heretical by the Church… … Wikipedia
Монашество — (монахи, монастыри от греческих сл. μόνος один, одинокий, μονάζειν быть одному, жить уединенно, μοναχός, μοναστής живущий уединенно, μοναστήριον уединенное жилище) значит первоначально уединенное, одинокое житье. Это название применяется, однако … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Augustin Kažotić — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Saint Augustin (homonymie). Statue d Augustin Kažotić à Trogir Augustin Kažotić (en italien Agostino Casotti) (né ver … Wikipédia en Français
Fraticelli — Demande de traduction Fraticelli → Fraticelli … Wikipédia en Français