

Antiope (IPA| ["æn ˈtaɪ o pe"] ) (Ἀντιόπη) can mean:

* Greek mythology:

** Antiope - sister of Hippolyte kidnapped by Theseus, during Heracles' ninth labour;
** Antiope - associated with the mythology of Thebes, Greece.
**Antiope, daughter of Thespius who bore Heracles a son, Alopius
**Antiope,nymph of Pieria,the mother, by Pierus, of the Pierides, nine sisters who challenged the muses and, on their defeat, were turned into birds (Cicero (De Nat. Deor. iii. 21)

* Or:

** Antiope, from the fictional DC Comics universe;
** Antiope, a double asteroid;
** Antiope - a now-abandoned teletext system;
** Antiope - a "chef-d'oeuvre" of Correggio in the Louvre.
** ANTIOPE - a freeware general purpose Windows-based simulator of NMR spectra and dynamics.

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