- Antiope (mother of Amphion)
Greek mythology , Antiope (IPA| [æn ˈtaɪ o pe] ) was the name of the daughter of theBoeotia nriver god Asopus , according toHomer ; [Homer, "Odyssey". xi. 260] in laterpoem s she is called the daughter of the "nocturnal" kingNycteus of Thebes or, in the "Cypria ", ofLycurgus , but for Homer her suites is purely Boeotian. Her beauty attractedZeus , who, assuming the form of asatyr , took her by force. [Apollodorus "Bibliotheke " iii. 5; Burkert 1983 suggests that this apparently summarises a passage on Antiope in the "Catalogue of Women " that survives in a brief fragment (Hesiod, fr. 181-82).] After this she was carried off byEpopeus , who was venerated as a hero inSicyon ; [His tomb was sited in the "temenos " ofAthena at Sicyon. (Pausanias, 2.11.1; 2.6.3). Walter Burkert, "Homo Necans" 1983:186 notes the comparison with Athena Poleis at Athens andErechtheus .] he would not give her up till compelled by her uncleLycus (brother of Nycteus) .On the way home she gave birth, in the neighbourhood of
Eleutherae onMount Cithaeron , to the twinsAmphion and Zethus , of whom Amphion was the son of the god, and Zethus the son of Epopeus. [For other twins of such dual parentage, seeDioscuri ; some heroes, likeTheseus , were born of mixed seed of a mortal and an immortal father.] Both were left to be brought up by herdsmen. At Thebes Antiope now suffered from the persecution ofDirce , the wife of Lycus, but at last escaped towards Eleutherae, and there found shelter, unknowingly, in the house where her two sons were living as herdsmen.Here she was discovered by Dirce, who ordered the two young men to tie her to the horns of a wild bull. They were about to obey, when the old herdsman, who had brought them up, revealed his secret, and they carried out the punishment on Dirce instead, for cruel treatment of Antiope, their mother, who had been treated by Dirce as a slave. [Hyginus, "Fabula" 8.] Lycus then resigned power to the twins.
For this, it is said,
Dionysus , to whose worship Dirce had been devoted, visited Antiope with madness, which caused her to wander restlessly all over Greece [Compare the wanderings of Io.] until she was cured, and married by Phocus of Tithorca, onMount Parnassus , where both were buried in one grave. [Pausanias ix. 17, x. 32.] Amphion became a great singer and musician afterHermes taught him to play and gave him a golden lyre, Zethus a hunter and herdsman. They built and fortified Thebes, huge blocks of stone forming themselves into walls at the sound of Amphion's lyre. Amphion marriedNiobe , and killed himself after the loss of his wife and children. Zethus marriedAedon , or sometimes Thebe. The brothers were buried in one grave.At
Sicyon , Antiope was important enough that achryselephantine cult image was created of her and set up in the temple ofAphrodite . Pausanias speaks of it. [Pausanias, 2.10.4.] Only one priestess, an elderly woman, was permitted to enter the "cella " of the temple, with a young girl chosen each year, to serve as "Lutrophoros". [Walter Burkert , "Homo Necans" (1983) iii.5 "Antiope and Epopeus" the "carrier of water" for lustrating the images.]References
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