Stone femme

Stone femme

A stone femme is a dyke identity used to describe a femme who is the receiver in sexual interactions, and is sexually untouchable. People who identify as stone femme have patterned the name for their identity after the more widely known term stone butch. [ Butch-Femme.Com - TERMS ] ]

A stone femme may also refer to a femme who is very femme, a femme top, or a femme who is partnered with or attracted to very masculine/stone Butches.

Some people have used the term stone femme to describe their identity as an individual's personal sexual and gender identity and boundaries regarding their expression of both. Use of the term is not dependent on the identity of the stone femme's partner.

Some stone femmes do not identify as lesbians due to the disconnect between the political and sexual connotations of the word and the reality of their experiences. Other stone femmes do identify as queer, as dykes, and/or as lesbians.


[ ButchFemmeDance.Com]

ee also

*Gender role

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