- Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
Infobox Non-profit
Non-profit_name = Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
Non-profit_type = Pre-professional Organization
founded_date =1986
founded_date =
founder =
location =
origins =
key_people = EESTEC International: [http://www.eestec.net/bodies/ EESTEC People] ]
Tagi Khaniyev Chairman
Carlos Herrera Yagüe Treasurer
Huseyin Ozcan VC External Affairs
Jorge Somavilla Franco VC Internal Affairs
Stevan Cvetković VC P&A
area_served = Europe
focus = Students
method = Conferences, Exchanges, Workshops, Internships
revenue =
endowment =
num_volunteers = 1700+
num_employees =
num_members = 1700 [ [http://www.eestec.net/news EESTEC News Page] ]
owner =
Non-profit_slogan =
homepage = [http://www.eestec.net www.eestec.net]
dissolved =
footnotes =The Electrical Engineering Students' European Association (EESTEC) is a non-profit student organization for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) students in Europe with 39 branches [ [http://www.eestec.net/members/local-committees EESTEC LCs] ] in 20 countries. EESTEC is a pre-professional organization that empathizes a more general skill-set (e.g.
Soft_skills and presentation skills); by comparison theIEEE is an organization entirely devoted to professional skill development (e.g. RF antenna design, publications).Hierarchy
EESTEC is divided into three tiers. Top-down they are:
- EESTEC International, is the supraorganization assisting and overseeing all LC and Obs. groups.
- Local Committee, or LC, is an EESTEC group that has sponsored at least one event before the yearly report and review period.
- Observer, is an EESTEC group that has not sponsored an during the current yearly report period. Observers are the first step to joining as an LC.
History of EESTEC
The idea of creating a European student organization for electrical engineering students was born in 1958, but preparation meetings started in 1963 in Paris, France.
EURIELEC was founded in Berlin in 1964, with goals such as promoting contacts and practical work between foreign students of electrical engineering, and also exchaning informations for study possibilities and excursions with other EE faculties. Official language of EURIELEC was French, and on the Congress in 1968 it was changed to English.
EURIELEC Congresses
1966 Delft, The Netherlands
1967 Paris, France
1968 Berlin, Germany
1969 Madrid, Spain
1970 Eindhoven, The NetherlandsEESTEC
In 1984 EESTEC idea was born. In the year 1985, representatives of three Dutch student guilds ETV (Delft), Thor (Eindhoven) and Scintilla (Enschede) forming the Committee for International Contacts (CIC) wrote a letter to old EURIELEC NatComs. It said that "From 1966 until 1971 there has existed a European Association of Electrical Engineering Students (EURIELEC). During this time the student movement changed. The association died, according to the statutes. Your student association was a member of this Eurielec."They claimed in that letter to set up a new association with EURIELEC formers, "under the umbrella of an existing association like IEEE or ERUEL". They said they where thinking about an annual meeting in one of the associated countries.
1986 Congress in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
It was 1986 when the first EESTEC Congress was organized in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. It was organized for 50 participants coming from 33 different cities in 17 different European countries. It seems there were not at that time Local Committee, introduced the year after with the old name of NatCom, which is National Committee.
EESTEC Congresses
1986 LC Eindhoven, The Netherlands
1987 LC Nova Gorica/Ljubljana
1988 LC Lisbon
1989 LC Budapest
1990 LC Zurich
1991 LC Vienna
1992 LC Madrid
1993 LC Budapest
1994 LC Aachen
1995 LC Zurich
1996 LC Aachen
1997 LC Tampere and LC Helsinki
1998 LC Reggio Emilia
1999 LC Ljubljana
2000 LC Delft
2001 LC London
2002 LC Budapest
2003 LC Cosenza
2004 LC Belgrade
2005 LC Madrid
2006 LC Sofia
2007 LC Budapest
2008 LC Ljubljana and LC RijekaWhat is EESTEC
The Electrical Engineering STudents' European assoCiationis an organization of and for electrical engineering and computerscience students from universities, institutes or technical schools inEurope that award an engineering degree. It was founded in Eindhoven,the Netherlands in 1986. Since 1995 it is a recognized associationseated in Zürich, Switzerland. From year 2002 the EESTEC seat returnedto the Netherlands, but now in Delft. A Local Committee is a localbranch of EESTEC International. Currently there are 39 LCs in more than20 countries with over 1700 members.
The primary aim of EESTEC is to promote and develop internationalcontacts between students and professionals. The sharing of ideas andexperience among electrical engineering and computer science studentsis made possible through workshops, exchanges and other activities.EESTEC is also promoting international career and job opportunities.For example, one of the ongoing projects in that field is to make adatabase of electrical engineering and computer science students sothat the companies can easily find and recruit professionals throughoutEurope.
The electrical engineering and computer science aspects of EESTEC areexpressed through workshops, the most important activity of theassociation. During one week seminar lectures are presented byspecialists from the industry and universities and discussions areconducted in small group sessions. Subjects are select from newtechnologies, special fields of electrical engineering and computerscience or soft-skills.An EESTEC Workshop is a strictly professional event combined withsightseeing and social activities.
During an exchange students from several Local Committees visit eachother for about ten days. During these multilateral meetings theparticipants gain awareness of the foreign university reality, industryand cultural aspects.
Besides traditional workshops and exchanges, EESTEC organizesinternship programs for its members. EESTEC trainees are motivated andwell qualified in the fields of electrical engineering and computerscience. They can, due to the associations highly advanced network,exactly match a profile sought by the company and can thereforesignificantly shorten probation.
ECM (EESTEC Chairpersons' Meeting)
ECM is a meeting where the chairpersons of all Local Committees takepart in order to be trained, share experiences and contribute to thefuture development of EESTEC. ECM lasts for five days, consisting ofworking sessions, simulations and discussions on topics concerning howto run a Local Committee. There are discussions about organizing eventsand cooperation on the international level. The meeting has around 50participants.
EESTEC has a yearly congress. Approximately 125 European electricalengineering and computer science students take part in this congress.The congress is meant to discuss, with all the Local Committees and theboard, the current affairs and the goals and plans for the upcomingyear. Policies and organizational matters are topics. An important partof the congress is the election of the new board. Next to the generalassembly, workshops and trainings are held.
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association — L Electrical Engineering STudents European assoCiation (EESTEC) est une association étudiante apolitique à but non lucratif pour les étudiants en génie électrique et en informatique d Europe, présente dans 20 pays à travers 39 branches locales[1] … Wikipédia en Français
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association — Die Electrical Engineering Students European Association (kurz: EESTEC) ist ein Verbund von Studierenden der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik in Europa. EESTEC ist an zur Zeit 33 Universitäten in 21 Ländern Europas mit Ortsverbänden, den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association — Die Electrical Engineering Students European Association (kurz: EESTEC) ist ein Verbund von Studierenden der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik in Europa. EESTEC ist an zur Zeit 40 Universitäten in 21 Ländern Europas mit Ortsverbänden, den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Electronic engineering — is a discipline dealing with the behavior and effects of electrons (as in electron tubes and transistors) and with electronic devices, systems, or equipment.The term now also covers a large part of electrical engineering degree courses as studied … Wikipedia
External links
* [http://www.eestec.org/ EESTEC International] Homepage
* [http://www.eestec.org/events/ EESTEC Event List]
* [http://www.eestec.unisi.ch/workshop/ EESTEC LC Event] , an example event (2007)
How to contact us?
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
E-mail: board@eestec.net
URL: http://www.eestec.net
IRC: #eestec at irc.ircnet.com
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.