- List of disproved mathematical ideas
mathematics , ideas are supposedly not accepted as fact until they have been rigorously proved. However, there have been some ideas that were fairly accepted in the past but which were subsequently showed to be false. This article is meant to serve as a repository for compiling a list of such ideas.*The idea of the Pythagoreans that all numbers can be expressed as a ratio of two
whole number s. This was disproved by one ofPythagoras ' own disciples,Hippasos , who showed that the square root of two is what we today call anirrational number . One story claims that he was thrown off the ship in which he and some other Pythagoreans were sailing because his discovery was too heretical.*
Euclid 'sparallel postulate stated that if two lines cross a third in a plane in such a way that the sum of the "interior angles" is not 180° then the two lines meet. Furthermore, he implicitly assumed that two separate intersecting lines meet at only one point. These assumptions were believed to be true for more than 2000 years, but in light ofGeneral Relativity at least the second can no longer be considered true. In fact the very notion of a straight line in four-dimensional curvedspace-time has to be redefined, which one can do as ageodesic (but the notion of a plane does not carry over). It is now recognized thatEuclidean geometry can be studied as a mathematical abstraction, but that theuniverse isnon-Euclidean .Euclidean geometry is then an approximation to reality, just like Newtonian gravity.*The ChineseWho|date=August 2008 believed that all numbers of the form 2^{2^m}+1 (what we call
Fermat number s) were prime.Fact|date=August 2008Fermat also conjectured this. However, this was disproved byEuler , and in fact probably only the first five (3, 5, 17, 257, & 65537) are prime.*The idea that
transcendental number s were the exception. Disproved byGeorg Cantor who showed that there are so many transcendental numbers that it is impossible to make a one-to-one mapping between them and thealgebraic number s. In other words, thecardinality of the set of transcendentals (denoted eth_1) is greater than that of the set of algebraic numbers (aleph_0).*
Bernhard Riemann , at the end of his famous 1859 paperOn the Number of Primes Less Than a Given Magnitude , stated (based on his results) that the logarithmic integral gives a somewhat too high estimate of theprime-counting function . The evidence also seemed to indicate this. However, in 1914J. E. Littlewood proved that this was not always the case, and in fact it is now known that the first "x" for which scriptstylepi(x),<,mathrm{li}(x) occurs somewhere before 10317. SeeSkewes' number for more detail.*It was conjectured in 1919 by
George Pólya , based on the evidence, that most numbers less than any particular limit have an odd number ofprime factor s. However, thisPólya conjecture was disproved in 1958. It turns out that for some values of the limit (such as values a bit more than 906 million), most numbers less than the limit have an even number of prime factors.*
Erik Christopher Zeeman tried for 7 years to prove that one cannot untie a knot on a 4-sphere. Then one day he decided to try to prove the opposite, and succeeded in a few hours. [ [http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg19526131.900-interview-why-mathematics-is-beautiful.html Why mathematics is beautiful] inNew Scientist , 21 July 2007, p. 48]*A "theorem" of
Jan-Erik Roos in 1961 stated that in an [AB4*]abelian category , lim1 vanishes onMittag-Leffler sequences. This "theorem" was used by many people since then, but it was disproved by counterexample in 2002 byAmnon Neeman . [ [http://www.springerlink.com/content/aeem2yx884nnufxn/ "A counterexample to a 1961 'theorem' in homological algebra"] by Amnon Neeman, "Inventiones mathematicae", 148, 2, pp. 397-420, May, 2002.]ee also
List of conjectures for other disproved conjectures, which were not necessarily generally accepted as true before being disproved.References
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