- List of fictional liches
* Blizzard's game series Warcraft plays host a number of liches who belong to the Undead Scourge: Araj the Summoner, Amnennar the Coldbringer, Ras Frostwhisper, Rage Winterchill and Kel'Thuzad, who holds the position of majordomo to
Arthas Menethil . ["Game Informer" provides information on who the character is, why the character is important, and what is next for the character in "Faces of "Warcraft": The Essential Introduction to Characters," "Game Informer" 183 (July 2008): 101.] The ruler of the Scourge, Ner'zhul, is known as the Lich King.
*The upcoming expansion to Blizzard's popular World of Warcraft features a powerful undead sorcerer who can modify his sword with magic and is adept atnecromancy called a Death Knight, which was originally from D&D.
* InThe Elder Scrolls , Liches [ [http://www.uesp.net/wiki/] ] are undead human
necromancers who have imbued themselves with their necromancer magic, and transform into liches. Liches rely uponblack magic , both from their staves and from their spells. They will also usually summon anundead underling, such as a skeleton warrior.
* In , Liches are a powerful form of undead, but can be summoned with a spell by anecromancer , or by the player if they have a high enoughconjuration level. Also, players joining the Dark Brotherhood are required to assassinate the necromancer Celedaen, before he completes his transformation into a lich. The character Mannimarco is also supposed to be a lich, even if he appears as a normal High Elf in the game.
*The "Warhammer Fantasy" setting includes liches such asNagash and near liche characters such as the Lichemaster, as well as Liche-Priests inKhemri .
* InLord of the Rings , the Maia namedSauron , although already of infinite lifespan, becomes a lich of sorts, pouring into theOne Ring his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life, which was, in effect, his entire essence. When killed byIsildur , he did not die, as his essence was bound to the ring, and he could only be destroyed by the destruction of the ring itself.
* The last boss inGuild Wars Prophecies is a Lich, he summons the Titans of the Ring of Fire Islands
* In theMMORPG Tibia a lich is a mid-strong undead creature with an arsenal of spells
* The Horned King from Disney's "Black Cauldron" (1985) and the Lloyd Alexander books that inspired the film.
* Morda fromLloyd Alexander 's bookTaran Wanderer , part of theChronicles of Prydain . Morda kept his life force in a bone fragment.
* The concept of aHorcrux from theHarry Potter universe resembles aphylactery , though considering the series' grounding in folklore, this probably doesn't derive from modern fantasy sources. This would make the primary antagonist of the series, Lord Voldemort, something akin to lich or a demi-lich (because he has created 7 phylacteries), though he lacks the undead body traditional of liches.
* InAdventureQuest , a character with the Necromancer class is able to become a Lich upon death. There is also a dracolich, which is an undead dragon.
* InTimes of Lore , a wizard who has transformed himself into a Lyche resides under a ruined temple in the desert. He is depicted as an inanimate corpse sitting on a throne.
* In theSega Master System gamePhantasy Star , Liches feature as a minor enemy in some dungeons.
* The "Gray Witch" in the anime/mangaLodoss (Note:Kala the Gray Witch only puts her will in a Head ornaments before her death, not her Soul. And the ornament controls the next person who wears it)
*Golden Sun uses liches as an enemy
* The game features Liches as powerful creatures serving the Undead Hordes.
* TheGURPS supplement GURPS Undead enables a wizard to become a lich, who requires monthly doses of a special elixir made from "some rather unpleasant materials (free but illegal)" to survive. In theGURPS Technomancer setting there are several "atomic liches" who were created by experiments with radiation and who now secretly work to promote death and destruction.
* Dark Lich is a boss from theSNES gameSecret of Mana , and the game's sequelSeiken Densetsu 3 . InSecret of Mana , he first appears as the game's main villain, Thanatos, before showing his true form.
* The Iron Liches as bosses from the PC game Heretic.
* InCity of Villains , a Necromancer Mastermind's most powerful pet is a Lich
*Xykon , the evil villain of thewebcomic The Order of the Stick , is a Dungeons & Dragons-inspired lich
* In the original Final Fantasy, Lich is one of theFour Fiends of Chaos, associated with the element of Earth. He causes the earth to rot and decay by blocking the power of the Crystal of Earth from escaping the cavern in which he rests. A vampire, his subservient, is encountered before him as a sub-boss battle.
* InFinal Fantasy IV ,Scarmiglione , the Earth Fiend, is a Lich-like undead wizard, commanding zombies in battle.
* InFinal Fantasy Tactics there is a 'Rich' summon (due to a mistranslation)
* InFinal Fantasy IX Lich is the Earth Guardian of Terra.
* InFinal Fantasy XII , a Lich is a monster which can be found in the Tomb of Raithwall.
* InFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles , a Lich is the boss of the undead-filled area Rebena Te Ra. This Lich, unrelated to the Lich of other Final Fantasy games, resembles a giant Yuke.
*Liches appear in the gameVagrant Story , where they are 'evil' type enemies described as mages who gained eternal life through making pacts with demons. They are powerful magic users capable of teleporting around the rooms they appear in. The game also features lich lords, more powerful versions of the basic lichs, and Death, a Lich-like enemy who resembles theGrim Reaper and is tasked with hunting down the possessed.
* In the remake of "The Mummy" and its sequels, the main villain Imhotep is rendered immortal through the Curse of Hom Dai. His body was reduced to a skeleton by scarab beetles and sealed in a coffin. After being accidentally revived he assimilated the flesh and organs of a group of thieves who opened a cursed chest. Imhotep was also skilled in necromancy, being able to animate the corpses of his long-dead priests, and in the second film animates the mummies being kept in the British Museum.
* "The Lich" is the final boss of the "Forsaken Province" territory in the game .
* Liches are prominent villains and player characters throughout theMight and Magic series, notablyMight and Magic VII , VIII and IX.
* TheHeroes of Might and Magic series' Necropolis faction contains Liches and Power Liches (alternatively named Archliches and Lich Masters in the fifth game) as troops. Some Liches are also major storyline characters and protagonists, such as the Necromancer and .
*InHeroes of Might and Magic IV , Lich is a class of hero attained by mastering the death magic and chaos magic skills. Lich heroes can age enemy units by attacking them, reducing their attributes.
* In , liches are a form of undead
* InUltima Online , a lich is a type of undead enemy with a strong melee attack and powerful spells. There are three types of liches: the regular lich, the more powerful Lich Lord, and the nearly invincible Ancient Lich.
* Liches also feature as undead spell-casters in dark robes in the game MU Online.
*In theMMORPG Nexus War a lich is one of the classes characters can take after a certain level.
*In the text-basedMUD MajorMud, Zanthus the Lich is featured as the most powerful NPC in the game.
*While not created in the same manner as the traditional lich,Pious Augustus of could be seen as one, as his body and soul were corrupted when he touched one of the three hallowed relics of the Ancients, and transfromed into a skeletal, emaciated monster with vast magical abilities and a keen intelligence (though bound to serve his Ancient masters). He is also referred to in the game as "The Liche". Like many other liches, he had control over the Ancient's undead monsters.
*In , Liches are the second level Undead unit. They are fairly weak rank-and file fighters who have an extremely unreliable death gaze.
*Bane, Horseman of Death and leader of the undead faction in the Warlords series of videogames, is described inWarlords Battlecry III as 'a giant lich riding a chariot'.
*In , Strahan Runeshadow, an evil magician raising dead in Sigil'sMausoleum , wanted to become a lich, but he was stopped (and killed) by Nameless One and his friends.
*In theMight & Magic series, Liches are a class of player upgraded from aNecromancer , or in Might & Magic 7 from a wizard who has allied himself with necromancers.
*In theChzo Mythos , anamateur adventure game series, Chzo's serveant, the Tall Man was a lich.
*The roguelike computer gameNetHack features lich, demilich, arch-lich and master lich.
*The roguelike computer gameADOM features lich, lich king, emperor lich and master lich.
*Ogre Battle and its sequels feature lichs, generally as the most powerful type of spellcaster. They may also be capable of recruiting undead characters.
*In theDungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms computer gameNeverwinter Nights , liches are one of the most powerful undead players can summon.
* The Lich Belpheron plays a key role in the Neverwinter Nights expansion packShadows of Undrentide . Though he is never encountered, having already been destroyed prior to the start of the game, the player learns that he was once a scholar of the ancient culture of Netheril, and that he trained the antagonist, Heurodis the Medusa, to be a sorcoress. His severed hand has the power to seek out many powerful magical artifacts. Belpheron appears briefly as an enemy inHordes of the Underdark (though his name is spelt Balpheron).
* Also in Shadow of Undrentide, the player will encounter the mummified remains of Kel-garas, an undead priest ofJergal , who made himself immortal by binding his soul in a magical rod.
*In the online gameKingdom of Loathing the lihc (sic) is a monster in the Misspelled Cemetary based (loosely) on the lich
*In the online gameClan Lord Liches appear frequently in the Dark Temple and are part of a pirate-like community ofnon-player characters called "Darshaks."
*The novel Monster Planet features a powerful lich who is the leader of thezombie army.
*One of the bosses inside several versions of the MMOG, "Gunz: The Duel" there is a boss known as a Lich. It is possible to reach this boss by defeating several enemies in an underground/dungeon (as the game names the map) "Quest" match.
*In the Game Boy Advance game , the Lich and Lich+ enemies appear as minibosses.
*InTales of Phantasia , some enemies could summon a lich that would do damage to the player characters.
*The gimmick of WWE wrestlerThe Undertaker once involved him being an immortal and virtually invulnerable undead being via a funereal urn that he carried to the ring, which was said to contain the "spirit of the Undertaker" and said to be the source of his superhuman power.
*In the RPGBaldur's Gate 2 and its expansion packThrone of Bhaal , Liches are frequently encountered as mid to high level monsters, as well as Kangaxx the Demilich (BG2) and an unnamed Demilich in ToB.
* The lich Lyran is encountered as an enemy in . He is destroyed by finding the ossuary beneath his stronghold and shattering several urns containing his mortal remains.
*In the animated series ofHe-Man , He-man's arch enemySkeletor could be considered a lich, due to his skull face and magic abilities. In the most recent edition of the animation, a backstory elaborates on Skeletor's origins, explaining he was originally an evil warlord namedKeldor who was mortally wounded byKing Randor many years ago. In order to survive, he made a pact with the spirit of the ancient overlordHordak . In return for his life and the power to defeat his enemies inEternia , he would serve Hordak. This resulted in his transformation into Skeletor.
*Azalin is a very powerful and scheming lich in the Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting ofRavenloft .
*InEverQuest II , Varsoon the Undying is a relatively young lich (only 300 years or so old) who remains in the Chamber of Immortality within the Ruins of Varsoon. While the Ruins are located in The Thundering Steppes, his tomb is on an island off the northwest coast of Antonica. Lucan Dlere, the overlord of Freeport is also a lich.
*The 1997 animated movie Anastasia depicts Rasputin, the main antagonist of the film, as a lich. Because of the terms of the curse he put on Tsar Nicholas II and his family, Rasputin cannot die until the entire royal family has been killed-as long as his reliquary is intact. This, along with his desire for revenge against the Tsar, is more than enough to motivate him to finish the curse by killing Anastasia-and a feirce compulsion to protect his reliquary, a green vial with a skull on top.References
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