Antilles Episcopal Conference

Antilles Episcopal Conference

The Antilles Episcopal Conference is a Roman Catholic episcopal conference. Its members are Bishops and Archbishops from current and former British, Dutch, and French colonies and dependencies in the Caribbean (excluding Haiti), Central America, and northern South America. The conference's membership includes five archdioceses, fourteen dioceses, and two missions "sui iuris". These particular Churches minister to Catholics in thirteen independent nations, six British colonies, three departments of France, and two autonomous regions of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.cite web | url= | title=About Us — Who We Are | publisher=Antilles Epsicopal Conference | accessdate=2007-07-27 ] Additionally, the bishop from an American insular area has been granted observer status.

The episcopal conference is led by a president, who must be a diocesan ordinary and is elected by the membership of the conference for a three year term. The conference also elects a vice president, who has the same qualifications as the president, and a treasurer, who can be a diocesan ordinary, a coadjutor bishop, or an auxiliary bishop. Additionally, a permanent board, made of the president, vice president, treasurer, the metropolitan archbishops, and two other elected members, handles administrative issues between plenary meetings of the conference.cite web | url= | title=Statutes of the Antilles Episcopal Conference | date=2001 | accessdate=2007-07-28 ] The president of the conference is currently Lawrence Burke, Archbishop of Kingston.

The Holy See appoints an Apostolic delegate to the Antilles Episcopal Conference, who also serves as the Apostolic nuncio to the independent nations of the conference, except Belize. The nunciature is located in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The current Apostolic delegate is American Archbishop Thomas Edward Gullickson.



External links

* [ Antilles Episcopal Conference]

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