- Judaeo-Masonic conspiracy theory
The International-Communist-Judaeo-Masonic Conspiracy, sometimes called the international-marxist-judaeo-masonic conspiracy, or simply the judaeo-masonic conspiracy, is a
conspiracy theory involving a secret coalition ofJew s,freemason s, andcommunist s. The coalition's dark aim, especially in the view of franquistSpain , would beworld domination .[
Caran d'Ache , 1898, in the middle of the "Affaire Dreyfus " and the foundation ofAction Française . Although theAncien Régime is not shown as idyllic, the contemporary situation is shown as an increase of oppression, that technical improvements (notice theploughshare ) doesn't lighten, and to which financialcapitalism (the banker with his tophat and his wallet), the francmason (with hisset square andplumb line ) and theJew (with a curved nose) are contributors. To add internationalcommunism we will have to wait for the Sovietic Revolution and the exiled white Russians.] The absence of evidence for such a world-spanning conspiracy is taken as further demonstration of the influence of the conspirators, who are understood to be working to suppress evidence of their activity.It is possible to trace the existence of
antisemitism in Spain to theMiddle Age s, since it was a useful mechanism to divert social conflicts using Jews asscapegoats , to whom all kinds of evil plots were attributed, such as starting plagues, kidnapping and ritualistic killing of infants, and the profanation of Christian sacraments, as the case of theSanto Niño de La Guardia ; [José María Perceval "Un crimen sin cadáver: el Santo Niño de la Guardia" (a crime without corpse: the holy child of La Guardia, Historia 16, n. 202, p.44-58, February 1993, accessible at: [http://www.materialesdehistoria.org/guardia_cast.htm] (in Spanish)] but since the disclosure of the alleged "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ", [The Protocols, with comments about its condition of plagiarism and fraud: [http://ddickerson.igc.org/The_Protocols_of_the_Learned_Elders_of_Zion.pdf] ] these conspiracy theories were becoming more complex. The fact thatKarl Marx was born in a Jewish family, together with the Jewish origin of some prominent communist leaders, made it possible to add worker's movements to the conspiracy, as participants of the same ideology. [However, Marx is considered as a judeophobic Jew, as he considered Judaism as a hindrance to abolish to reach his revolutionary purposes, and also posed the identification between Judaism, bourgeoisie, and capitalism. [http://desde-sefarad.blogspot.com/2005/09/de-marx-y-los-judos.html ("in spanish")] ]Preceding
The existence of anti-Semitism can be traced back to the
middle ages , linking societies without a developed capitalist system to a broad group of ideological prejudice, mainly to the contempt of activities that independently function economically, the church defined asusury . The only way to become rich without suspicion was through feudal rent, accessible only to the privilege ones that certainly were much more than the Jews. Instead the Jews would excel on them, since their condition generally impend them to access another type of job (even when the majority of the European Jews were farmers and would perform different manual and intellectual jobs). The manipulation of this prejudice was a good way to deviate social conflicts using the Jews as the escape goat. The credit for all the bad intensions was given to them.Franco's obsession
During the first half of the XXth Century in Spain it was very common in reactionary groups to refer to that conspiracy as responsible for the Spanish decadency since, at least, the reign of Philip II. The Habsburg
Catholic King was the greatest enemy of some heterogeneous groups, like theSephardi Jews expelled from Spain by theCatholic Monarchs , and theirMarrano descendants, enriched byusury , who would have contacted with the Dutch rebels (William the Silent ) and other enemies ofcatholicism and theSpanish Empire , which considered itself its firmest defender. Such would be responsible for the anti-Spanishpropaganda called theBlack Legend . The fact that amongprotestant s (in special Luther) antisemitism was even stronger than among catholics doesn't seem contradiction enough for this theory. [ cite_book
authorlink = WALSH, William Thomas
title = Felipe II
year = 1937-1943
publisher = Madrid: Espasa Calpe
The Dictator
That expression is not a slander of his enemies, it is also mentioned in Franquist media: [http://www.generalisimofranco.com/biografia/p_03.htm] . In this biographic page about Franco this interpretation of the Disaster of 98, from the «Anecdotario» of Franco himself (under the pseudonym of Jaime de Andrade) for the script of "
His rise to the leadership of the rebelled band during the
During the difficult forties, first during the
The subsequent approach to United States dampened all that rhetoric along with the too explicit fascist references of the regime, although they did not disappear completely until the end of franquism.
Conspiracy theory, renewed
In recent times, the hidden relationships between those groups are still being looked for, as an attempt to renew the old theory, although it has not a relevance so big as in the early franquism. Antisemitism has obtained a new thrust in some places, like in post-soviet
ee also
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