Ararat (EP)

Ararat (EP)

Infobox Album |
Name = Ararat
Type = ep
Artist = Orphaned Land

Released = September 16, 2005
Recorded = 2005, Zaza Studios and Bardo Studios, Israel
Genre = Oriental metal
Progressive metal
Length = 22:36
Label = Profound Lore
Producer = Orphaned Land
Reviews =
Last album = "Mabool"
This album = "Ararat"
Next album = "The Never Ending Way of ORwarriOR"

"Ararat" is a 10" EP by the Israeli metal band Orphaned Land. It was released on September 16, 2005 through Profound Lore Records and distributed by The End Records. The EP is limited to only 500 copies and contains re-recorded demo versions from "Mabool" such as; "Building the Ark", "The Kiss of Babylon" and a remix of "The Calm Before the Flood" with new lyrics by Yotam "Defiler" Avni. Also on the EP is a cover song of "Mercy" by the metal band Paradise Lost. The EP is named after the mountain Mount Ararat, seen on its cover and also several locations in or around the Middle East have its name (see: Ararat).

Track listing

# "The Calm Before the Flood" (Ararat remix) − 5:33 (includes new lyrics)
# "Building the Ark" (Demo version) − 5:03
# "The Kiss of Babylon" (Demo Version) − 6:41
# "Mercy" (Paradise Lost Cover) − 5:19


Band members

* Kobi Farhi − Vocals, Backing Vocals, Death growls, Chants, Spoken reading
* Yossi Sassi − Guitar, Clean Guitars, Acoustic Guitars and Classic Guitars, Saz, Buzuki, Oud
* Matti Svatitzki − Guitar, Clean Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Solos
* Uri Zelcha − Bass, Fretless Bass
* Eden Rabin − Synthesizers, Piano

Session members and guest musicians

* Avi Diamond − Drums
* Avi Agababa − Percussions
* Shalomit Levi − Female Vocals

Production and other

* Remixed by Erez Caspi and Kobi Farhi
* Demo versions recorded at Matti Svatizki's home by Orphaned Land.
* Production management and arrangements by Kobi Farhi with the help of all Orphaned Land members.
* Ararat lyrics ("The Calm Before the Flood") by Yotam "Defiler" Avni

External links

* Ararat at [ Orphaned Land official site]

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