

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Wappen = Wappen von Ebersberg.pnglat_deg = 48 |lat_min = 05
lon_deg = 11 |lon_min = 58
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Oberbayern
Landkreis = Ebersberg
Höhe = 558
Fläche = 40.84
Einwohner = 11116
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 85560
Vorwahl = 08092
Kfz = EBE
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 1 75 115
Straße = Marienplatz 1
Website = [http://www.ebersberg.de/ www.ebersberg.de]
Bürgermeister = Walter Brilmayer
Partei = CSU
Ebersberg is the district seat of the like-named "Landkreis" in the Regierungsbezirk of Oberbayern. The "Ebersberger Forst" (forest) is one of Germany’s biggest continuous woodlands.

Neighbouring communities are Grafing bei München, Kirchseeon and Steinhöring. Bavaria’s capital, Munich, lies 32 km away and may be reached by S-Bahn (S4). Rosenheim and Wasserburg am Inn are about the same distance away.


Ebersberg’s history is closely tied with the Benedictine Monastery founded in 934 by the Counts of Sempt. From the 14th century the monastery exercised local jurisdiction. In 1595, Pope Clement VIII dissolved the monastery and turned its lands over to the Jesuits. In 1773, the Knights of Malta took over the building. When the monastery was dissolved for good in 1808, the building went partly to government ownership and partly private.

In 1954, Ebersberg was raised to town and in 1972 connected to Munich by S-Bahn. The once separate municipality of Oberndorf was amalgamated with Ebersberg.

Ebersberg is the only German town that has named a street after a cabaret group (Valtortagasse, after the Gruppo di Valtorta from Ebersberg). Ebersberg’s main cultural institution, the "Alte Kino Ebersberg" (Old Cinema), is today run by a non-profit governing board whose roots lie in this same "Deutscher Kleinkunstpreis"-winning group.

Coat of arms

Ebersberg’s civic coat of arms shows, in gold, a black boar on a green three-knolled hill ("Dreiberg", in German heraldry) on the shield’s right edge (from the armsbearer’s point of view – the left edge from the viewer’s) sloping upwards.

The town’s website has a short summary of its history.


*Wallfahrtskirche St. Sebastian (Pilgrimage church): west part from 1230, nave and choir originate in the 15th century. From 1770 to 1783 remodelled in rococo style. The tomb made of red Salzburg marble at the entrance to the middle nave was made in 1500 by Wolfgang Leb. Among other sights worthy of mention are Sebastian’s Chapel with its baroque stucco work and Saint Sebastian’s reliquary, in the form of a bust, from 1450.
*Town hall ("Rathaus"): Today’s town hall on the Marienplatz is housed in what was once the monastery tavern.
*The "Weiherkette" with the Egglburger See (lake) is a favourite outing destination.


Ebersberg has a station on the railway line between Grafing and Wasserburg.

Famous people

The following luminaries were born in Ebersberg:
*Josef Brendle (1888-1954), painter
*Ignaz Perner (1796-1867), founder of the animal protection movement
*Ewald Schurer (1954- ), politician

Ebersberg was furthermore Josef Wintrich's hometown. He was the second president of Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht).

Honorary citizens

* Martin Guggetzer (1872-1950), Catholic priest, honoured 1946
* Manfred Bergmeister (1927- ), smith and founding member of the Munich Handicraft Academy (Akademie Handwerk München), holder of the "Bundesverdienstkreuz" and the "Bayerischer Verdienstorden", honoured 1997

Further reading

* Rainer Beck: Ebersberg oder das Ende der Wildnis. Eine Landschaftsgeschichte. München, C. H. Beck, 2003.

See also

Counts of Ebersberg (German Wikipedia)

Williram von Ebersberg

Ebersberg Monastery (German Wikipedia)

External links

*http://www.ebersberg.de – the town’s website

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