- Lycus (mythology)
Lycus or Lykos is the name of several people in
Greek mythology :* Lycus (son of
Ares ), a Libyan king in Greek mythology who sacrificed strangers to his father. He was the father of Callirhoê, who was a lover ofDiomedes .
*Lycus (brother of Nycteus) in Greek mythology, Lycus was uncle to Antiope whomZeus impregnated. She fled in shame to KingEpopeus ofSicyon and abandoned her children,Amphion and Zethus . They were exposed onMount Cithaeron , but were found and brought up by a shepherd. Nycteus, unable to retrieve his daughter, sent his brother Lycus to take her. He did so and gave her as a slave to his own wife,Dirce .
*Lycus (Descendant of Lycus) . Lycus is a descendant ofLycus (brother of Nycteus)
* Son ofPoseidon andCelaeno , brother ofEurypylus . The two brothers ruled over the Fortunate Islands.
* Son ofPrometheus andCelaeno , brother of Chimaerus. The brothers are said to have had tombs in theTroad ; they are otherwise unknown.
* Son ofDascylus ofMysia or Mariandyne. He was hospitable towards theArgonauts andHeracles , who conquered the land of theBebryces (Heraclea Pontica ).
* Son ofHyrieus . He became the guardian ofLabdacus andLaius . He is probably the same as Lycus, brother of Nycteus.
* One of the four sons ofPandion II . Upon the death of Pandion, Lycus and his brothers (Aegeus , Nisus, and Pallas) took control of Athens fromMetion , who had seized the throne from Pandion. They divided the government in four but Aegeas became king. According toHerodotus (i.173) he gave his name toLycia inAsia Minor , hitherto known as Tremilis/Termilae. "The Lykos tradition is probably a pseudo-myth of no great antiquity, as the German scholar Treuber claimed on the grounds that there is no evidence of a family tree in Athenian genealogy; Treuber suggests that political motives may have helped to foster the tradition", reported T. R. Bryce, "The Arrival of the Goddess Leto in Lycia" "Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte" 32.1 (1983:1-13) p. 4.
*Son ofPoseidon and Alcyone.
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