Constantin Andronikof

Constantin Andronikof

Prince Constantin Andronikof (Russian: Константин Есеевич Андроников, Konstantin Eseevich Andronikov; Georgian: კონსტანტინე ანდრონიკაშვილი, Konstantine Andronikashvili) (July 16, 1916September 12, 1997) was a French theologian, interpreter and translator.

He was born in a notable Georgian aristocratic family of Andronikashvili in Petrograd, Imperial Russia. During the Russian Civil War of 1917, he left Russia with his mother and grandmother. They arrived in Paris, France in 1920. His father Jessie was arrested by the Bolsheviks and later shot during the Great Purge of 1937.

Constantin Andronilof graduated from La Sorbonne with degrees in: Philosophy, Comparative Literature, Esthetic and Science of art, History and Philosophy of Sciences (free license), license of russian teaching, Certificate of Classic studies and got a diploma of Superior Studies (memo on the religious philosophy of Khomiakov).

He also studied theology from 1941 to 1945 at St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute (of which he subsequently became professor).

From 1945 to 1958, he participates as an interpreter to all the conferences and diplomatic encounters at the level of ministers or advisers, of Chief States (Presidents) and to certain military conferences, to economical commissions, cultural, financial, scientific and technical, for the english and russian languages, and charged of the report during the secret sessions.

On the 1st of July 1947, he becomes holder of the post as the Official Interpreter of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

On the 10th of September 1947, his first son is born: Emmanuel (known mathematician, 1947-1995).

In 1958, becomes de facto official Interpreter of the President of France and of the Government since the new Constitution. Is called from this title by different Ministries (and of the Defense) and by the Prime Minister.

From 1958 to 1976, he participates at all the political conferences and meetings implying France with anglophones and russophones : "at the summit", official visits of Chief of States and of their government, but also official ministries visits (Prime Ministers, Foreign Affairs, Financial Affairs, Cultural Affairs, Health Affairs) but also regular bilateral commissions (such as the Little Commission and the Big Commission with the Soviets, the ambassadors conferences on the outcome of Berlin...)etc. Participating to a conference means to be in one but also prepare it and do its reports...

He serves as the Official Interpreter for the english and russian languages to three French Presidents: General de Gaulle, Pompidou and Giscard D'Estaing.

Constantin Andronikof is best known as the most prolific French translator of Russian religious thought, especially of the theological works by Fr. Sergei Bulgakov.

From 1991 to 1993, he is the Dean of St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris.

On the 12th of September 1997, he dies at the age of 81 years, in his home and during his sleep.

He is barried at the Russian orthodox cemetery "Sainte Geneviève des Bois" close to Paris alongside his family (wife, son, mother, etc.).


  • Русские писатели эмиграции: Биографические сведения и библиография их книг по богословию, религиозной философии, церковной истории и православной культуре: 19211972 / Составитель Н. М. Зернов.- Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1973.
  • L'Oreille du Logos: In memoriam Constantin Andronikof. – Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme, 1999. С. 94-100.
  • Носик Б. М. На погосте XX века. – СПб.: Золотой век; Диамант, 2001. С. 42-44.


La Mort aux Etoiles, (under the pseudonym of André Comnène),Calmann Lévy, 1946 (out of order)

Le Sens des Fêtes (le cycle fixe), Cerf, 1970 (out of order); trad. ital., Rome, 1973

Le Cycle Pascal (Le sens des fêtes II), L'Age d'Homme, 1985; trad. ital.,Turin, 1986

Le Sens de la Liturgie, Cerf, 1988

Des Mystères Sacramentels, Cerf, 1998

La Montée au sycomore-Essai d'Anthropologie orthodoxe, (in preparation)

Cours de gnoséologie, (in preparation)


  1. ^ Reference