Alfonso Zamora

Alfonso Zamora

Alfonso Zamora Quiroz (born 9 February 1954 in Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal) is a former Mexican boxer who fought from 1973 to 1980. Zamora was the silver medalist at the 1972 Munich Olympics and enjoyed a meteoric rise in his professional career. He won the WBA Bantamweight Championship on 14 March 1975 when he knocked out Soo Huan-Hong in four rounds, two years after turning pro.

Fighting contemporaneously, and holding the WBC crown, was the fellow-Mexican legend, Carlos Zarate. A showdown between the two was inevitable and they met in a non-title match on 23 April 1977. Zamora went into the bout sporting a record of 29 wins in 29 fights, all by knockout. Zarate's record was an equally impressive 45 fights, 45 wins, with 44 KOs. In an eargely anticipated fight Zarate scored a technical knockout over Zamora in the fourth round.

Zamora never seemed to recover from this loss. In his next fight he lost his WBA Bantamweight title to Jorge Lujan by knockout in the tenth round. His record thereafter was spotty, and he even was stopped on 16 November 1979 by Eddie Logan, who sported a record of 5 wins and 7 losses. He retired after losing, again by knockout, to Rigoberto Estrada on 19 September 1980.

Zamora was a knockout seeker, but he seemed to lose confidence after his devastating loss to Zarate. Nevertheless, he was selected at Number 47 on the Ring Magazine's list of 100 greatest punchers of all time. His final career record included 33 wins, with 32 KOs, and 5 losses. Zamora was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame (2005).

Amateur Highlights

Bantamweight silver medalist at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Results were:
*Defeated Ricardo Fortaleza (Philippines) KO 2
*Defeated Stefan Forster (West Germany) points
*Defeated Juan Francisco Rodriguez (Spain) KO 3
*Defeated Ricardo Carreras (United States) points
*Lost to Orlando Martinez (Cuba) points


* [ sports-reference]

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