Elections in Zimbabwe

Elections in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe government consists of an elected head of state, the president, and a legislature. The presidential term lasts for 6 years. Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Assembly and Senate. The House of assembly has 210 members 200 elected for five-year terms by single-member constituencies and 10 are appointed governors. The Senate has 66 members: 50 are elected for five-year terms by single-member constituencies, six are appointed, and 10 are elected chiefs.

Zimbabwe is a one party dominant state; the dominant party being the Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front. Opposition parties are permitted, including the Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai created in 1999. Recent elections (March 2008) have witnessed former ruling party finance minister Simba Makoni standing as an independent presidential candidate.

Election results


* Zimbabwean parliamentary election, 1980: The Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front won a majority, and Robert Mugabe became the first Prime Minister of Zimbabwe.


* Zimbabwean parliamentary election, 1985: Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front increased its majority.


* Zimbabwean presidential election, 1990 (28-30 March)
** Robert Mugabe — Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front 2,026,976 (83.0%)
** Edgar Tekere — Zimbabwe Unity Movement 413,840 (17.0%)


* Zimbabwean parliamentary election, 1995 (8-9 April)
** Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front 1,143,349 (81.4%)
** Zimbabwe African National Union - Ndonga 97,470 (6.9%)
** Forum Party of Zimbabwe 84,219 (Forum Party of Zimbabwe (FPZ) 84,219 (6.0%)
** Independents 70,818 (5.0%)
** Zimbabwe Congress Party 3,779 (0.3%)
** Zimbabwe Federal Party 3,381 (0.2%)
** Zimbabwe Aristocrats 1,571 (0.1%)
** African National Party 431 (0.0%)


* Zimbabwean presidential election, 1996 (16-17 March)
** Robert Mugabe — Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front 1,404,501 (92.7%)
** Abel Muzorewa — United Party 72,600 (4.8%)
** Ndabaningi Sithole — Zimbabwe African National Union - Ndonga 36,960 (2.4%)

:"Sithole and Muzorewa withdrew during the week before balloting, but their names remained on the ballot and both received votes"


* Zimbabwean parliamentary election, 2000 (24-25 June)
** Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front 1,212,302 (48.6%)
** Movement for Democratic Change 1,171,051 (47.0%)
** Zimbabwe African National Union - Ndonga 17,629 (0.7%)
** Others 92,943 (3.7%)


* Zimbabwean presidential election, 2002 (9-11 March)



* Zimbabwean parliamentary election, 2005



* Zimbabwean presidential and parliamentary and Senate elections (29 March)


On 12–13 February 2000, there was a constitutional referendum for increased powers to president; these were to permit the government to confiscate without compensation white-owned land for the purpose of redistribution to black farmers, and to give government officials immunity from prosecution.

* "Yes" Votes 45.32%

* "No" Votes 54.68%

ee also

* Electoral calendar
* Electoral system

External links

* [http://www.electionworld.org/zimbabwe.htm Electionworld]
* [http://africanelections.tripod.com/zw.html African Elections Database]
* [http://psephos.adam-carr.net/countries/z/zimbabwe/ Adam Carr's Election Archive]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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