- Pekinel sisters
Güher Pekinel and Süher Pekinel (born
March 29 1953 ,Istanbul ) as identicaltwin s, are world-renowned Turkishpianist s performing mostly induet .Early years
The Pekinels received their first piano lessons from their pianist mother. They appeared in public first at the age of six, and by nine years old they made their orchestral debut with the
Ankara Philharmonic Orchestra . After attending theParis Conservatory and theFrankfurter Musikhochschule ,Rudolf Serkin invited the twins to continue their studies with him at theCurtis Institute of Music inPhiladelphia . The sisters completed their musical training at theJuilliard School in1978 , having also studied withClaudio Arrau andLeon Fleisher . Furthermore,Adele Marcus andYvonne Loriod were their teachers in solo andMieczyslaw Horszowski in duo.At the age of 18, the Pekinels shared the first prize at the
German National Piano Competition as soloists, followed by several first prizes in national and international competitions in Germany, Italy, France and USA as a duo and also as soloists, including the first prize in representing Germany at theUNESCO World Piano Competition in1978 .Career
Following their musical training, Güher and Süher Pekinel were first discovered by
Herbert von Karajan in1984 and engaged to appear at theSalzburg Festival , to which they returned frequently in subsequent years. They have since embarked on a worldwide career and played with leading orchestras, including the Berlin, Vienna, New York and Israel Philharmonic, Concertgebouw Amsterdam,Royal Philharmonic ,London Philharmonic , Cleveland,Los Angeles Philharmonic ,Tokyo Philharmonic ,RAI Milano , St. Cecilia and many other orchestras. Extended recital tours took Güher and Süher Pekinel to the major music centers and most important festivals of Europe, the United States, and Japan.A special event was a performance at the opening concert of the
Wiener Festwochen in Vienna with the Vienna Philharmonic andZubin Mehta , which was broadcast live to 23 countries worldwide through the Austrian television. The season 2001-2002 saw new series of concerts with the TrioJacques Loussier in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Their concert at theSchwetzinger Festspiele in June2001 was broadcast live by SWR TV and radio. Other performances include concerts with Wiener Symphoniker,Orchestre National de Toulouse ,Orchestre Philharmonique de Monaco ,Zuricher Kammerorchester andPhilharmonisches Orchester Hamburg andBraunschweig as well recitals inGermany ,The Netherlands ,Switzerland ,Italy ,Denmark ,Norway andFrance . They toured with Zubin Mehta and the Israel Philharmonic includingTel Aviv andJerusalem (Israel), following concerts withZurich Chamber Orchestra in Switzerland,Austria , Germany and recitals in Germany,Czech Republic and Italy.Recent highlights include their performance of the
Mozart concerto for two pianos at the Salzburg Festival and concerts with theFrankfurter Museumsorchester underMichel Plasson at theAlte Oper inFrankfurt , Germany. Among the 2000–2001 season‘s engagements were recital performances in Germany, Switzerland,Hongkong Art Festival as well as concerts with theDresden Philharmonic at theSemperoper inDresden and theGulbenkian Orchestra inLisbon . In addition, they appeared in two gala concerts in Lucerne, Switzerland with theWuerttembergische Philharmonie and with theOrchestre Philharmonique de Monte Carlo andMarek Janowski for the opening of the new concert hall inMonte Carlo .Today, the Pekinel sisters rank internationally as a piano duo of extraordinary mastery and remarkable expressiveness. They are recognized worldwide as a most exceptional duo of artistry and magnetism. Their performances in recital and with the most leading orchestras are considered to demonstrate extraordinary musicality, keyboard command and unanimity of style and execution, and making international musical headlines. The German newspaper "
Die Welt " wrote "Among the finest in the top group of the best piano duos". As twins sitting "back to back", they are the only duo, playing without any eye contact.Repertory
Exacting in their musical choices, the sisters rarely play transcriptions but prefer instead to explore the existing literature in depth from Bach, Mozart to Lutosławski and Boulez.
**Concerto in C minor
**Concerto in C major
**Concerto for three pianos in G major
**Concerto K 365
**Concerto for three pianos K 242
**Concerto in E major
**Concerto in E flat major
*Bruch - Concerto in E major
*Poulenc - Concerto
*Britten - Concerto
*Dutilleux - Concerto
*B.A. Zimmermann – ConcertoDiscography
The Pekinels made numerous recordings of most important duo-piano literature for well-known labels. Two recordings were released in
1999 and2000 . One was with the London Philharmonic Orchestra andSir Neville Marriner , featuring the Bruch, Mozart and Mendelssohn concertos. Their recording in collaboration with the renowned Trio Jacques Loussier on jazz renditions of Bach’s concertos for two and three pianos, "Take Bach" had worldwide record sales. In2002 , aCD containing of a recital program of Brahms and Saint-Saëns works was released. In June2003 , Pekinels recorded complete Bach two and three piano concertos with the Zurich Chamber Orchestra andHoward Griffiths .Recognition
The Turkish Government awarded the title "
Devlet Sanatçısı " (literally "State Artist " or "National Artist") to the Pekinel sisters in 1991, a rare honor. The television channels French-GermanARTE , German ARD and Turkish ATV made TV documentaries of one-hour each about their musical lives.
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