List of Pokémon (361-380)

List of Pokémon (361-380)

At the core of the multi-billion dollar is known as the "Face Pokémon." It has a rock body that it reinforces with a layer diamond-like ice crystals that won't melt, even under fire. It has the ability to freely control ice by freezing moisture in any shape that it wishes. It uses this to instantly freeze enemies and eat them at its leisure.

In the anime, Ash Ketchum has a Glalie while in Hoenn. It evolves from his Snorunt, and he keeps it throughout the season. Later, he leaves it at Professor Oak's lab upon returning from Hoenn, where it eventually dies.


lives in herds among the ice floes of Arctic regions, and these herds consist of both itself and its other evolutionary forms Spheal and Walrein. Its flippers are quite powerful, strong enough to shatter ice with well-placed flaps. Five times a day, Sealeo dives into the sea to hunt prey.

Sealeo’s behavior revolves mostly around its sensitive nose; Sealeo uses it to investigate new things. It lifts new objects up with its nose, and rolls them around. While rolling an object, Sealeo checks the object’s aroma and texture in order to learn about it. This is what it does to differentiate food from anything else, making it a vital ability for survival. However, Sealeo also takes a liking to balancing and spinning a younger Spheal on its nose for entertainment.


number = 365
type = Ice
type2 = Water
evolvesfrom = Sealeo
evolvesto =
nihongo|Walrein|トドゼルガ|Todozeruga|Todoseruga in original Japanese language versions is among the few fully-evolved Pokémon that live in functional communities, down in glacial environments, made of members of its pre-evolved forms Spheal and Sealeo as well as itself. The Walrein are the dominant members of their society, protecting their groups from attackers with their large strong tusks. These tusks are strong enough to thoroughly shatter blocks of ice weighing ten tons. When alone in the Arctic seas, Walrein’s thick blubber insulates it from the extreme cold of sub-zero temperature water, and it uses its tusks to clear its way as it swims through ice floes. The blubber is also resilient enough to make enemy attacks such as bites bounce off relatively harmlessly.


number = 366
type = Water
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Huntail or Gorebyss
nihongo|Clamperl|パールル|Pāruru|Pearlulu in original Japanese language versions is protected by a sturdy shell. Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent pearl. This pearl, created upon evolution, is said to be infused with a mysterious energy and is used by Spoink as a focus for its psychic abilities. Clamperl grows while being protected by its rock-hard shell. When its body becomes too large to fit inside the shell, it is sure evidence that it is getting close to evolution. However its shell is not only good for protection - it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown Clamperl's shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.

Clamperl first appeared in "Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire", and can evolve into two different forms through trading via the Game Boy Advance's Game Link Cable, depending on which of two different items it is holding-Gorebyss with the Deepseascale, or Huntail with the Deepseatooth. Both of these items are given to the player by Captain Stern after he is rescued.


number = 367
type = Water
type2 =
evolvesfrom = Clamperl
evolvesto =
nihongo|Huntail|ハンテール|Hantēru| went mostly unnoticed because it lives at extreme depths of the sea. Huntail’s body is built to withstand the adverse living conditions in the deep sea that challenge even the best-made human craft. The water pressure is high enough to be labeled crushing, but Huntail withstands it by having a body with a very thick and sturdy spine. Its eyes are suited for life far under the sea as well; they can see clearly even in the murky dark depths of the ocean. Huntail carries bioluminescence, which it uses when hunting prey. It lights up the eye-like textures on its tail and wiggles it to deceive prey into thinking they have found a fish to eat. Then Huntail attacks and attempts to swallow the prey whole with its gaping mouth. It prefers smaller prey since its body and stomach are rather thin.


number = 368
type = Water
type2 =
evolvesfrom = Clamperl
evolvesto =
nihongo|Gorebyss|サクラビス|Sakurabisu|Sakurabyss in original Japanese language versions inhabits the southern seas at extreme depths. Its body is deceptively durable, so as to withstand the extreme hydrostatic pressures exercised to it at such a depth. Gorebyss's elegant form is exquisite to behold while swimming. Gorebyss uses its thin mouth to pick at seaweed growing between rocks, but it can also use it in a much more sinister fashion. When hunting live prey, it sticks its mouth into the prey's body and proceeds to drain it of all bodily fluids. After it feeds in this way, its body turns a more vivid pink.


number = 369
type = Rock
type2 = Water
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto =
nihongo|Relicanth|ジーランス|Jīransu|Glanth in original Japanese language versions is a rare and inaccessible Pokémon, as it inhabits the deep ocean floor. Once thought to be extinct, it was discovered in an exploration mission of the sea abyss. Relicanth proved to be extremely well-adapted to its environment; so much so, that according to researchers in the Pokémon world, it has not changed form in 100,000,000 years. Relicanth's body is covered in rock-like scales which are tough enough to withstand the enormous hydrostatic pressures exercised on it at such extreme depths, as is the case with other dwellers of the abyss. It uses its multiple pectoral fins as a means of locomotion across the sea bed. It is based on the real fish, the Coelacanth.


number = 370
type = Water
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto =
nihongo|Luvdisc|ラブカス|Rabukasu|Lovecus in original Japanese language versions lives on masses in shallow seas in the tropics. Luvdisc nests in both coral reefs and the branches of the coral-like Corsola Pokémon. During the spawning season, countless Luvdisc congregate at coral reefs, turning the waters pink. Luvdisc are said to shoot water at other Luvdisc to show a sign of love. It is a long held custom to give a Luvdisc to someone to express feelings of love. The Japanese name is a portmanteau of "Love" and "Discus", after the discus fish.


number = 371
type = Dragon
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Shelgon
nihongo|Bagon|タツベイ|Tatsubei|Tatsubay in original Japanese language versions has such a powerful dream of flying, it often hurls itself off high cliffs, only to tumble aimlessly to the bottom. As a result of Bagon's brave dives, its head has grown rock hard, allowing it to attack without feeling recoil.


number = 372
type = Dragon
type2 =
evolvesfrom = Bagon
evolvesto = Salamence
nihongo|Shelgon|コモルー|Komorū|Komoruu in original Japanese language versions cells are continually changing to prepare for evolution into Salamence. Even though this Pokémon's shell is heavy, it makes up for it by drawing in its stubby legs and rolling around. This shell is very thick and strong, similar to bones. The shell protects disruption of its internal cell development. When it is finally ready for evolution, its shell sheds instantly. While in this stage of its evolution, Shelgon fasts in order to grow hardier from hunger. It grows tired easily due to its lack of food and its heavy shell weighing it down.


number = 373
type = Dragon
type2= Flying
evolvesfrom = Shelgon
evolvesto =
nihongo|Salamence|ボーマンダ|Bōmanda|Bohmander in original Japanese language versions is very happy at its successful acquisition of wings, yearning for them since being a Bagon, and expresses its feelings by soaring all over the sky, blowing fire from its mouth. Salamence is just as easily expressive when enraged: when angry, it loses all thought and destroys everything around it with its fire breath and shredding claws. Salamence is a very strong Pokémon because of its incredible attack and special attack, and therefore highly desirable to trainers. However, Bagon and Shelgon, its two pre-evolved forms are difficult to train and level up.

Salamence (and its pre-evolved form Shelgon) cannot be found in the wild, so Salamence must be evolved from a Bagon which can be found in Hoenn's Meteor Falls. However, Salamence was obtainable at a Nintendo promotional event in which it was given out to players with the rare move Wish.


number = 374
type = Psychic
type2 = Steel
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Metang
nihongo|Beldum|ダンバル|Danbaru|Dumbbell in original Japanese language versions lacks a circulatory system of blood. Instead, it is powered by a strong magnetic force. It can exert magnetic forces from its body in order to communicate with others of its species, and can even communicate with brain waves. Beldum move together in a synchronized pattern, attracted by the magnetism of one another. They can repel Earth's natural magnetism with its own, allowing them to levitate. Beldum live on cliffs by planting their leg into the cliff-rock. Ash captures it in a city.


number = 375
type = Psychic
type2 = Steel
evolvesfrom = Beldum
evolvesto = Metagross
nihongo|Metang|メタング|Metangu is formed from two Beldum merging to form a Metang. This merge is more than a physical one; both Beldums' brains in a Metang are linked by a network of magnetic impulses, making Metang quite intelligent. The Beldum only manifest as the arms and eyes of the Metang; some other material must make up the head. With both Beldums' magnetic fields combined, Metang's abilities manifest as telekinesis. Its telekinetic power allows it to hover a short distance above the ground, as well as fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

Metang doesn't rely entirely on its magnetic telekinesis, however, as it already has a portion of the durability and strength of Metagross. Its metal carapace is tough enough to survive even cataclysmic explosions and can leave a collision from a jet plane without a scratch. Metang's claws can rip through tempered steel.


number = 376
type = Psychic
type2 = Steel
evolvesfrom = Metang
evolvesto =
nihongo|Metagross|メタグロス|Metagurosu is comprised by of two Metang forming together. Each leg is the body of a former Beldum, and its head/body is the four collective heads of Beldum used to fuse into it. Metagross's intelligence is extraordinarily high: not only does it have four minds, but they are also connected by a highly complex neural network, which is nowadays a more accurate measure of the capacity for intelligence than the net amount of brain tissue. Its developed cerebral powers are said to surpass even those of a supercomputer. Metagross mostly relies on its massive strength. It can also use psychic abilities, including the ability to render its massive body airborne by telekinesis once it draws its legs together.

This Pokémon lives in mountainous areas. It can easily live comfortably on very steep slopes by planting its legs into rock or ground. Metagross is also a brutal predator. When hunting, it pins its prey to the ground under its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using its large mouth on its underside.


number = 377
type = Rock
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto =
nihongo|Regirock|レジロック|Rejirokku is a legendary Pokémon in "Pokémon Ruby", "Sapphire" and "Pokémon Emerald" that can only be caught in the Desert Ruins once in each game. It was sealed there long before the series. It can also be found inside of a cave in "Pokémon Ranger". Being made completely out of rock, it has no brain or heart, which baffles the scientists of the Pokémon universe. Regirock along with its brothers Regice and Registeel often have the guardian roles, they are normal guarding, their king, (Regigigas), but they also have been seen at The Tree of Beginning, and also guarding (Mew). The various rocks that it is composed of come from different locations. If damaged in battle, it will repair itself with rocks it finds nearby.

It also appears to represent the Stone Age just like fellow Regis, Regice who represents the Ice Age, Registeel who represents the Iron Age and Regigigas who represents the time of Pangaea.


number = 378
type = Ice
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto =
nihongo|Regice|レジアイス|Rejiaisu is a legendary Pokémon in "Pokémon Ruby", "Sapphire" and "Pokémon Emerald" that can only be caught in the Island Cave once in each game. It can also be found inside a cave in "Pokemon Ranger". Regice's body of Antarctic ice was made during an ice age. It cannot be melted, even if hit by fire or placed in magma. It also controls air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit (-164.4 degrees Celsius.)

It also appears to represent the Ice Age just like fellow Regis, Regirock who represents the Stone Age, Registeel who represents the Iron Age and Regigigas who represents the time of Pangaea.


number = 379
type = Steel
type2 =
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto =
nihongo|Registeel|レジスチル|Rejisuchiru is a legendary Pokémon in "Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire" and "Pokémon Emerald" It can also be found inside of a cave in the game Pokemon Ranger that can only be caught in the Ancient Tomb once in each game. It has a hollow body made out of a mysterious metal, not of Earth, harder than any other, yet very flexible, able to shrink and stretch accordingly. This is from being underground for tens of thousands of years.

It also appears to represent the Iron ageOr|date=October 2008 just like fellow Regis, Regice who represents the Ice age, Regirock who represents the Stone age and Regigigas who represents the time of Pangaea.


number = 380
type = Dragon
type2 = Psychic
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto =
nihongo|Latias|ラティアス|Ratiasu| is the female Eon Pokémon from the "Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald" series of games and is one of a duo of Psychic/Dragon-type Pokémon, the other being Latios. These two are the only legendary Pokémon in the games that have genders (other than Heatran and Cresselia, which first appear in "Pokémon Diamond and Pearl".)

Latias is a red-and-white dragon Pokémon with small arms and feet, and spiky wings on her back. She has triangle-shaped blue markings on her belly that are similar to those of a Togepi. She is able to use a form of active camouflage by enfolding her body with her glass-like coat of down and refracting light in unique ways, allowing her to become invisible or even take on the appearance of a human.

Latias is highly sensitive to the emotions of people and can telepathically communicate with them. She rarely makes contact with people or other Pokémon. If Latias senses any hostility, she ruffles the feathers all over her body and cries shrilly to intimidate her foe. Like Latios, Latias is highly intelligent. Latias has been occasionally sighted in small herds of several members, although she is unable to breed in the video games.

Latias's only anime appearance was in the fifth "Pokémon" anime film, "Pokémon Heroes". Latias also appears in the non-"Pokémon"-exclusive video game "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" appearing in tandem with Latios as Pokémon appearing from Poké Ball items.

Latias can be found in "Pokémon Sapphire" after completing the Pokémon League. She is found on a random-encounter basis, similar to that of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in "Gold", "Silver", and "Crystal". She can also be found in "Emerald" after completing the Pokémon League, but in "Emerald", the player's mother tells him or her to watch a TV news story, which explains that a Pokémon (its name cannot be heard) has been seen. This gives the player a choice of capturing either Latias or Latios. Latias can also be obtained via the Eon Ticket, given to the player after attending a Nintendo promotional event for "Pokémon Ruby".


External links

* [ Bulbapedia] - The Pokémon encyclopedia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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