List of Heroscape supplements

List of Heroscape supplements

List of supplemental materials for Heroscape, a miniatures-based strategy boardgame.

=Sets=A list of the expansions and master sets, roughly in order of release. Wave releases as described above are noted, others are boxed releases:

"Rise of the Valkyrie" (2004): Master Set I
*"Raelin the Kyrie Warrior": 1 figure
*"Sgt. Drake Alexander": 1 figure
*"Airborne Elite": 4 figures
*"Finn the Viking Champion": 1 figure
*"Thorgrim the Viking Champion": 1 figure
*"Tarn Viking Warriors": 4 figures
*"Syvarris": 1 figure
*"Agent Carr": 1 figure
*"Krav Maga Agents": 3 figures
*"Mimring": 1 figure
*"Grimnak": 1 figure
*"Ne-Gok-Sa": 1 figure
*"Marro Warriors": 4 figures
*"Deathwalker 9000": 1 figure
*"Zettian Guards": 2 figures
*"Izumi Samurai": 3 figures

"Malliddon's Prophecy" (January 2005): Wave 1: each came with a new glyph as well as the normal contents of wave releases
*"Heroes of Bleakwoode": 5 hero figures (Taelord the Kyrie Warrior, Tornak, Venoc Warlord, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior and Marcus Decimus Gallus), 1 two-hex tile, 2 one-hex tiles, 5 army cards, 1 glyph, 1 glyph card.
*"Grut Orcs": 7 figures (4 Blade Grut Orcs, 3 Arrow Grut Orcs), 2 army cards, 2 two-hex tiles, 2 one-hex tiles, 1 glyph, 1 glyph card.
*"The IX Roman Legion": 7 figures (4 Roman Legionnaires, 3 Roman Archers), 2 two-hex tiles, 2 one-hex tiles, 2 army cards, 1 glyph, 1 glyph card.
*"Snipers & Vipers": 6 figures (3 Venoc Vipers, 3 Omnicron Snipers), 2 two-hex tiles, 2 one-hex tiles, 2 army cards, 1 glyph, 1 glyph card.

"Utgar's Rage" (May 2005): Wave 2
*"Heroes of Barrenspur": 4 hero figures (Khosumet the Darklord, Me-Burq-Sa, Krug, Sir Denrick), 2 two-hex tiles, 4 army cards.
*"Knights & The Swog Rider": 5 figures (4 Knights of Weston, 1 Swog Rider), 2 two-hex tiles, 2 army cards.
*"Drones & Minions": 6 figures (3 Marro Drones, 3 Minions of Utgar), 2 two-hex tiles, 2 army cards.
*"Minutemen & Wolves": 7 figures (4 Fourth Massachusetts Line figures, 3 Anubian Wolves), 2 two-hex tiles, 2 army cards.

"Orm's Return" (July 2005) Giant Wave 1
*"The Heroes of Laur": 5 figures (Charos, Dünd, Brunak, Deathwalker 8000, Su-Bak-Na), 5 army cards. Sometimes referred to as Wave 2.5, it shipped with Road to the Forgotten Forest, listed below.

"The Road to the Forgotten Forest" (July 2005) Terrain Wave 1
*"The Road to the Forgotten Forest": 1 figure (Dumutef Guard), 5 trees, 2 stone walls, 1 five-hex road tile, 8 one-hex road tiles, 8 two-hex road tiles, 1 army card, 1 game and scenario guide. Sometimes referred to as Wave 2.5, it shipped with Orm's Return, listed above.

"Jandar's Oath" (September 2005): Wave 3
*"Heroes of Nostralund": 5 hero figures (Alastair MacDirk, Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Deathwalker 7000, Johnny 'Shotgun' Sullivan, Saylind the Kyrie Warrior), terrain, 5 army cards.
*"Kilts & Commandos": 7 figures (3 Microcorp Agents, 4 MacDirk Warriors), terrain, 2 army cards.
*"Monks & Sentinels": 6 figures (3 Shaolin Monks, 3 Sentinels of Jandar), terrain, 2 army cards.
*"Gorillas & Hounds": 6 figures (3 Marrden Hounds, 3 Gorillinators), terrain, 2 army cards.

"Volcarren Wasteland" (2005): Terrain Wave 2
*"Volcarren Wasteland": 3 figures (3 Obsidian Guards), 1 army card, 11 one-hex molten lava tiles, 5 one-hex lava field tiles, 5 two-hex lava field tiles, 4 seven-hex lava field tiles, 1 game and scenario guide.

"Zanafor's Discovery" (2006): Wave 4
*"Heroes of Trollsford": 5 hero figures (Sudema, Valguard, Morsbane, Parmenio, Major X17), terrain, 5 army cards.
*"Greeks & Vipers": 7 figures (4 Greeks, 3 Armoc Vipers), terrain, 2 army cards.
*"Lawmen & Samurai": 6 figures (Deadeye Dan, Guilty McCreech, James Murphy, 3 Tagawa Samurai), terrain, 4 army cards.
*"Soulborgs & Elves": 7 figures (4 Gladiatrons, 3 Aubrien Archers), terrain, 2 army cards.

"Raknar's Vision" (2006) Giant Wave 2
* "Heroes of Lindesfarme" : 5 figures (Jotun, Major Q9, Braxas, Nilfheim, Theracus), 5 army cards. Sometimes referred to as Wave 4.5, it shipped with Thaelenk Tundra, listed below.

"Thaelenk Tundra" (2006) Terrain Wave 3
*"Thaelenk Tundra": 3 figures (Dzu-Teh), 1 army card, 6 glaciers, 21 ice tiles, 12 single-hex and 12 double-hex snow tiles. Sometimes referred to as Wave 4.5, it shipped with Raknar's Vision, listed above.

"Fortress of the Archkyrie" (August 2006) Terrain Wave 4
*"Fortress of the Archkyrie": Castle and terrain, no figures. 141 pieces and new castle scenarios.

"Thora's Vengeance" (2006): Wave 5
*"Ninjas & Samurai": 6 figures (3 Ninjas of the Northern Wind, 3 Kozuke Samurai), snow terrain, 2 army cards.
*"Gladiators & Agents": 6 figures (3 Nakita Agents, Spartacus, Crixus, Retiarius), snow terrain, 4 army cards.
*"Warriors & Soulborgs": 7 figures (3 Warriors of Ashra, 4 Deathreavers), snow terrain, 2 army cards.
*"Soulborgs": 7 figures (3 Deathstalkers, 4 Blastatrons), snow terrain, 2 army cards.

"Crest of the Valkyrie" (December 2006): (Five figures exclusively distributed through Toys "R" Us. [] )Flagbearers represent each of the five Valkyrie Generals, the major factions of Heroscape. Each flagbearer includes special dice that activate some of their powers and embroidered dice bag. The five flagbearers are:
*Jandar is represented by a Knight named Sir Gilbert. He grants extra attack and move bonuses to squad figures.
*Utgar is represented by an Orc named Ornak. He helps orc attacks.
*Ullar is represented by an Elf named Acolarh. He can stop other elves from dying.
*Vydar is represented by a Primadon named Laglor. He gives extra range.
*Einar is represented by a Samurai named Hatamoto Taro. He helps samurai defense.

"Dawn of Darkness" (March 2007): Wave 6
*"Heroes of Durgeth": 5 hero figures (Kee-Mo-Shi, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Empress Kiova, Runa, & Kaemon Awa)
*"Archers & Kyrie": 6 figures (3 Tagawa Samurai Archers, 3 The Einar Imperium)
*"Shades & Orcs": 7 figures (4 Heavy Gruts, 3 Shades of Bleakwoode)
*"Zombie Horde": 6 figures (2 sets of 3 Zombies of Morindan)

"Swarm of the Marro": Master Set II
*"Tor-Kul-Na": 1 figure
*"Sgt. Drake (New)": 1 figure
*"Raelin (New)": 1 figure
*"Shiori": 1 figure
*"Major Q10": 1 figure
*"Sonlen": 1 figure
*"Marro Stingers": 6 figures (2 sets of 3)
*"Marro Drudge (tunellers)": 6 figures (2 sets of 3)
*"Marrden Nagrubs": 6 figures (2 sets of 3)
*"Marro Hive": 1 object

"Fields of Valor"' (June 2007): Wave 7
*"Heroes of Elswin": 5 hero figures (Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Isamu, Warden 816, Kyntela Gwyn)
*"Spearmen and Riflemen" (Ashigaru Yari, Ashigaru Harquebus)
*"Knights Templar" (Templar Cavalry)
*"Fiends & Vampires" (Iskra Esenwein, Marcu Esenwein, Rechets of Bogdan)

"Defenders of Kinsland" (June 2008): Wave 8
*"Heroes of the Molten Sea": 5 hero figures (Chardris, Kato Katsuro, Moriko, Otonashi, Sir Dupuis)
*"Elves": 4 hero figures (Arkmer, Emirroon, Jorhdawn, Ulginesh)
*"Marro Cavalry": 3 squad figures (Grok Riders)
*"Soldiers and Wolves" : 7 squad figures (4 10th Regiment of Foot, 3 Wolves of Badru)

"Aquilla's Alliance" (June 2008) Giant Wave 3
*"The Heroes of the Quagmire" : 5 figures (Wo-Sa-Ga, Sujoah, Zetacron, Zelrig, Gurei-Oni), 5 army cards. It is shipped with Ticalla Jungle, listed below.

"Ticalla Jungle" (June 2008): Terrain Wave 5
*Fyorlag Spiders: Squad of three spiders
*"Shrubs and palm trees"

Promotional miniatures

"Elite Onyx Vipers" (2005)
* This was a promotional squad that was only available bundled with Master Sets sold at Wal-Mart during the 2005 holiday season. The figure sculpts are identical to the "Venoc Vipers", but were cast in black plastic. The squad is much stronger and costs more than double the amount of points as the Venocs. Their special power, "Evasive 8", adds 8 defense onto their existing 2 defense when defending from a ranged attack, creating a nearly impenetrable 10 defense.

"Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider" (August 2005)
* This was a promotional figure distributed free of charge at the 2005 Gencon and again later on at special Toys "R" Us events. The figure sculpt is identical to the "Swog Rider" from the "Knights & The Swog Rider" expansion, but the swog is cast in grey/white plastic. The differences between Nerak and the normal Swog Rider is that one power is changed, an additional one is granted and he costs 25 more points. He is also a unique figure.

"Sir Hawthorne" (August 2006)
* This was a promotional figure distributed free of charge at the 2006 Gencon. The figure sculpt is identical to one of the "Knights of Weston", but is detailed in black armor instead of its original coloring. This figure, at the time of its release, is the only figure named after a fan of the game. Named after Jerry "Grungebob" Hawthorne, a long time fan, former play-tester, and frequent contributor to the Heroscape community.

"Master Win Chiu Woo" (July 2007)
* This was a promotional figure distributed free of charge at the 2007 Comic-Con. The figure sculpt is identical to one of the "Shaolin Monks", though repainted in the yellow and gray of the sixth general, Aquilla. A unique hero, Master Woo improves the attack, defense, and mobility of "Shaolin Monk" squads.

"Agent Skahen" (August 2008)
* This was a promotional figure distributed free of charge at the 2008 Gencon. The figure scuplp is identical to one of the "Nakita Agents", though repainted in a black suit and hair.

Themed Heroscape Sets

"Marvel: The Conflict Begins" (July 2007): Marvel Master Set I
*"Captain America": 1 figure
*"Red Skull": 1 figure
*"Spider-Man": 1 figure
*"Venom": 1 figure
*"Iron Man":: 1 figure
*"Doctor Doom":: 1 figure
*"Hulk": 1 figure
*"Abomination": 1 figure
*"Silver Surfer": 1 figure
*"Thanos": 1 figure

"Marvel: Reinforcements Arrive" (Possible 2008 release, but dependent upon enough stores being willing to carry it): Marvel Wave 1
*"Sandman": 1 figure
*"Doctor Octopus": 1 figure
*"The Human Torch": 1 figure
*"The Punisher": 1 figure
*"Super-Skrull": 1 figure
*"Bullseye": 1 figure
*"The Invisible Woman": 1 figure
*"The Thing": 1 figure
*"Beast": 1 figure
*"Black Panther": 1 figure

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  • Heroscape — A six man game of Heroscape using multiple Master Sets and Expansion Sets. Players 2 or more Age range 8 and up Setup time 20+ minutes …   Wikipedia

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