Stub — may refer to: * Stub or stubb, a low pollard, a tree cut and allowed to regrow from the trunk (the origin of most other meanings) *Method stub, in computer programming, a piece of code used to stand in for some other programming functionality… … Wikipedia
Stock — For capital stock in the sense of the fixed input of a production function, see Physical capital. For other uses, see Stock (disambiguation). Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities … Wikipedia
stock — [stäk] n. [ME stocke < OE stocc, akin to Ger stock, Du stok, a stick < IE base * (s)teu , to strike, chop > STUMP, STUB] 1. the trunk of a tree 2. Archaic a) a tree stump b) a wooden block or log … English World dictionary
stub — [stub] n. [ME < OE stybb, akin to ON stubbr: for IE base see STOCK] 1. the stump of a tree or plant 2. a short piece or length remaining after the main part has been removed or used up [the stub of a tail, cigar, pencil, etc.] 3. any short… … English World dictionary
Stub Quote — Order placed well off a stock s market price. Stub quotes are used by trading firms when the firm doesn t want to trade at certain prices and wants to pull away to ensure no trades occur. In order to make this happen, the firm will offer quotes… … Investment dictionary
Stub — The balance part of a check or receipt that is retained for record keeping purposes or as proof of payment. In the context of securities, a stub refers to a residual security that is left over after being separated from the parent security. The… … Investment dictionary
stock — n 1. supply, store, stockpile, inventory; quantity, fund, lot, bunch, heap, pile, mass, stack, load, Chiefly U.S. Dial. grist; assortment, range, selection, variety; collection, accumulation, amassment, aggregate, Obs. commodity; reserve,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Armenian Stock Exchange — NASDAQ OMX Armenia OJSC Type Joint Stock Company Industry Stock exchange Founded 2001, demutualized in 2007 … Wikipedia
Nagoya Stock Exchange — (名古屋証券取引所 Nagoya Shōken Torihikijo, NSE) is a stock trading market in Nagoya, Japan. It is Japan s third largest exchange, behind the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Securities Exchange. Contents … Wikipedia
Sarajevo Stock Exchange — The Sarajevo Stock Exchange or SASE (Bosnian: Sarajevska Berza) is a stock exchange which operates in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Contents 1 History and structure 2 Performance 3 Notes … Wikipedia