

Forcemeat is a mixture of ground, lean meat emulsified with fat. The emulsification can be accomplished by either grinding , sieving, or pureeing the ingredients. The emulsification may either be smooth or coarse, depending on the desired consistency of the final product. Forcemeats are used in the production of numerous items found in charcuterie, such items include quenelles, sausages, pâtés, terrines, roulades, and galantines. Forcemeats are usually produced from raw proteins, except in the case of a "gratin" forcemeat. Proteins commonly used in the production of forcemeats include pork, fish (pike, trout, or salmon), seafood, game meats (venison, boar, or rabbit), poultry, game birds, veal, and pork livers. Pork fatback is often used for the fat portion of a forcemeat as it has a somewhat neutral flavor.The Culinary Institute of America, 299.]

The four basic styles

*Straight forcemeats are produced by progressively grinding equal parts pork, pork fat with a third dominant meat which can be pork or another meat. The proteins are cubed and then seasoned, cured, rested, ground and then placed into desired vessel.
*Country-style forcemeats are a combination of pork, pork fat, often with the addition of pork liver and garnish ingredients. The texture of this finished product is coarse.
*Gratin forcemeats has a portion on the main protein browned, the French term "gratin" translates to "browned".
*Mousseline forcemeats a very light in texture utilizing lean cuts of meat usually from veal, poultry, fish, or shellfish. The resulting texture comes from the addition of eggs and cream to this forcemeat.

econdary binders

Often the only binder in a forcemeat is the physical structure of the protein utilized. Sometimes a secondary binder is necessary to hold the emulsion. These binders are generally needed when preparing the country-style and "gratin" forcemeats. The three type of bonders include eggs, nonfat dry milk powder, and panadas. Panadas are made from starchy ingredients which aid in the binding process, these include well cooked potatoes which have been pureed, milk soaked bread, or pâte à choux. [The Culinary Institute of America, 300.]


Works cited

*The Culinary Institute of America. Garde Manger: The Art and Craft of the Cold Kitchen. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, INC, 2008. ISBN 978-0470055908

ee also

*Ground beef

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  • Forcemeat — Force meat , n. [Corrupt. for farce meat, fr. F. farce stuffing. See {Farce}, n.] (Cookery) Meat chopped fine and highly seasoned, either served up alone, or used as a stuffing. [Written also {forced meat}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forcemeat — (n.) also force meat, mincemeat, 1680s, from force to stuff, a variant of FARCE (Cf. farce) (q.v.) + MEAT (Cf. meat) …   Etymology dictionary

  • forcemeat — ► NOUN ▪ a mixture of meat or vegetables chopped and seasoned for use as a stuffing or garnish …   English terms dictionary

  • forcemeat — [fôrs′mēt΄] n. [altered < farce meat < FARCE, vt.] meat or fish chopped up and seasoned, usually for stuffing …   English World dictionary

  • forcemeat — noun Etymology: force (alteration of 2farce) + meat Date: circa 1688 finely chopped and highly seasoned meat or fish that is either served alone or used as a stuffing called also farce …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • forcemeat — /fawrs meet , fohrs /, n. Cookery. a mixture of finely chopped and seasoned foods, usually containing egg white, meat or fish, etc., used as a stuffing or served alone. Also, farcemeat. [1680 90; force, var. of obs. farce stuffing + MEAT] * * * …   Universalium

  • forcemeat — noun Meat chopped fine and highly seasoned, either served up alone, or used as a stuffing …   Wiktionary

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  • forcemeat — n. mixture of foods that are finely chopped and seasoned; mixture of ground raw meat or poultry finely chopped and seasoned and bound with eggs; stuffing …   English contemporary dictionary

  • forcemeat — noun a mixture of chopped and seasoned meat or vegetables used as a stuffing or garnish. Origin C17: from obs. force to stuff , alt. (influenced by force1) of farce (see farce) …   English new terms dictionary

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