Cipriano de Valera

Cipriano de Valera

Cipriano de Valera (C. 1532-C. 1600) was the editor of the first major revision of the Spanish Bible translation of Casiodoro de Reina. First published in 1602, this version of the Bible continues to be called the Reina-Valera, even after latter revisions. Valera was in exile in England during most of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. He also edited an edition of Calvin's Institutes in Spanish.

Valera was born at Seville. He was a student for about six years at the University of Seville and became a monk. He was a member of the Order of the Observentine Hieronymites. He along with most of the other members of the local branch of the Hieronymites embraced the reformation and went into exile. Shortly after he fled an efficgy of Valera was burned at the stake. He first went into exile in Switzerland, but chose to go to England on the coming of Elizabeth I to the throne. From 1559 he was a professor at the University of Cambridge. He was given a fellowship at Magdalen College in 1560.

See also


  • Hauben, Paul J. (1967) Antonio Del Corro, Cassiodoro De Reina, Cypriano De Valera. Geneva: Droz
  • Hutton, L. J. (1958) "A Spanish Heretic: Cipriano de Valera, in: Church History, XXVII, pp. 23–31
  • Kinder, A. Gordon. "Religious Literature as an Offensive Weapon: Cipriano de Valera's Part in England's War With Spain" in The Sixteenth Century Journal Vol. 14, no. 2 (Summer 1988) p. 223-235.

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