Eucalyptus tereticornis

Eucalyptus tereticornis

name = Forest Red Gum

image_caption = Buds, seed capsules, flowers and foliage of "E. tereticornis"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Myrtales
familia = Myrtaceae
genus = "Eucalyptus"
species = "E. tereticornis"
binomial = "Eucalyptus tereticornis"
binomial_authority = Sm.|

"Eucalyptus tereticornis" is a species of tree native to eastern Australia.

It has a great many common names, of which Forest Red Gum is perhaps the most widely known. Other common names include Bastard Box, Blue Gum, Flooded Gum, Grey Gum, Mountain Gum, Queensland Blue Gum, Red Gum, Red Ironbark, Red Irongum and Slaty Gum.cite web | title = Australian Plant Common Name Database | url = | accessdate = 2007-07-15 | publisher = Australian National Botanic Gardens]


. The trunk is straight, and is usually unbranched for more than half of the total height of the tree. Thereafter, limbs are unusually steeply inclined for a "Eucalyptus" species. The bark is shed in irregular sheets, resulting in a smooth trunk surface coloured in patches of white, grey and blue, corresponding to areas that shed their bark at different times.cite book | author = Boland, D. J. "et al" | year = 1984 | title = Forest Trees of Australia | edition = 4th Edition | isbn = 0-643-05423-5]

It has narrow, lanceolate green leaves, from 10 to 20 centimetres long, and one to nearly three centimetres wide. Flowers occur in inflorescences of seven to 11 flowers.


Specimens of "E. tereticornis" were first collected by First Fleet surgeon and naturalist John White from Port Jackson in 1793, and published later that year by James Edward Smith in "Zoology and Botany of New Holland". It was later republished by Smith in his 1795 edition of "A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland".cite book | first = James Edward | last = Smith | authorlink = James Edward Smith | year = 1793 | title = A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland | location = London | publisher = James Sowerby] Smith gave it the specific epithet "tereticornis" from the Latin "teretus" ("terete", meaning circular in transverse cross-section) and "cornu" ("horn"), in reference to the horn-shaped bud cap.cite book | author = Boland, D. J. "et al" | year = 1985 | title = Forest Trees of Australia | edition = 4th Edition | isbn = 0-643-05423-5]

It has had a fairly complex taxonomic history. Synonyms include:APNI | name = "Eucalyptus tereticornis" Sm. | id = 458]
* "Eucalyptus tereticornis" var. "pruiniflora" (Blakely) Cameron
* "Eucalyptus insignis" Naudin
* "Eucalyptus populifolia" Desf.
* "Eucalyptus subulata" Schauer
* "Eucalyptus umbellata" (Gaertn.) Domin nom. illeg.
* "Eucalyptus umbellata var. pruiniflora" Blakely
* "Leptospermum umbellatum" Gaertn.

There have also been numerous subspecies and varieties published, but the only ones that remain current are "E. tereticornis" subsp. "mediana" and the autonym "E. tereticornis" subsp. "tereticornis". Some hybrids have been reported.

Distribution and habitat

This species has a wide distribution, occurring over the widest range of latitudes of any "Eucalyptus" species: from southern Papua New Guinea at latitude 15°S, to southeastern Victoria at latitude 38°C.


"E. tereticornis" has a strong, hard and durable heartwood, with a density of about 1100 kg m-3. It is used for construction in heavy engineering, such as for railway sleepers.

The leaves are used in the production of cineole based eucalyptus oil. [Boland, D.J., Brophy, J.J., and A.P.N. House, "Eucalyptus Leaf Oils", 1991, ISBN 0-909605-69-6]


wikisourcepar|A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland/Eucalyptus robusta|A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland/Eucalyptus robusta

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