- List of fictional works in Gargantua and Pantagruel
The following is a List of fictional books in "Gargantua and Pantagruel". This is "not" a list of the five novels that make up "
Gargantua and Pantagruel ", but rather a list of invented or imaginary books that are mentioned or discussed by characters in "Gargantua and Pantagruel". Since the titles exist only within the context of the story, they are fictional.The series of five novels, by French author
Francois Rabelais , includes within its storyline an immense number of fictional books, many scatological and all humorous. Many of these fictional books are titled deliberately to mock theclergy , such as "Antipericatamentanaparbeugedamphibricationes, or Discussions on All Manner of Subjects by Shit Monks", but an equal number are simply silly, such as "And Cheese, Too".This article was created as a spin-off of the overgrown
List of fictional books article. There is also a main article onfictional books in general.A
* "Abbots' Donkey-Size Pricks"
* "Advanced Asslicking, for Graduate Students"
* "Adversus quemdam qui vocaverat eum fripponatorem, et quod fripponatores non sunt damnati ab Ecclesia", by Sutor
* "Alchemists' Windpipes"
* "And Cheese, Too"
* "Antidotarium animae", by Merlin Coccaius
* "Antipericatamentanaparbeugedamphibricationes, or Discussions on All Manner of Subjects by Shit Monks"
* "Ars honeste petandi in societate", by Hardouin de Graetz
* "Astrology's Chimney Sweep"B
* "Badinatorium Sophistarum"
* "Ball-biting Promoters"
* "Barbouilamenta Scoti", by Scotus
* "Batwing Hats for Cardinals"
* "Begging Monks' Stew"
* "Bell Ringers' Ballgames"
* "Bigot's Stew"
* "Bigua salutis"
* "Bishops' Antidotes for Aphrodisiacs"
* "The Bishops' Bagpipes"
* "Blinders for the Road to Rome"
* "Boots for the Stouthearted"
* "Bragueta juris"C
* "Cacatorium medicorum"
* "Callibistratorium caffardie, actore M. Jacobo Hostratem hereticometra", by Jacobo Hostratem
* "Campi clysteriorum", bySymphorien Champier
* "Cardinal Cajetan's Whinnyings"
* "Catalogue of Academic Candidates"
* "The Chains of Religion"
* "Cheated Husbands in Court"
* "Close-Shaven Clerks", by Ockham
* "Commercial Rope Tricks"
* "The Cost of Letting Monks Beg"
* "The Crucible of Contemplation"
* "Cullebutatorium confratiarm"D
* "De auferibilitate pape ab ecclesia", by Gerson
* "De Baboinis et cingis, cum commento Dorbellis", by Marmotretus [Akin to French "marmot", monkey.]
* "De batisfolagiis principium", by R. Lullius
* "De bobelinandis glosse Accursiane baguenaudis repetitio enucidiluculidissiam", by Pilloti Raquedenari ["Penny-Squeazer"]
* "De brodiorum usa et honestate chopinandi", by Silvester of Priero
* "De cagotis tollendis", by Justinianus
* "De calcaribus removendis decades undecium", by Aubry de Rosata
* "De capreolis cum chardoneta comedendis, tempore Papali ab Ecclesia interdicto", by Pasquilli
* "De castrametandis crinibus", by Ejusdem [Part of the phrase "ejusdem generis", meaning "of the same kind" inLatin .]
* "De compotationibus mendicantium", by Friar Lubinus
* "De croquendis lardonibus", by Reverend Father Friar Lubinus
* "De Differentiis soupparum", by Guillaume Briçot
* "De emulgentiarum profectibus enneades novem, cum privilegio papeli ad triennium, et posteanon", by Bishop Boudarinus
* "De grabellationibus horarum canonicarum lib. quadraginta" by Maîstre Fripesaulcetis [That is, Maîstre "Lick-it-up"]
* "De Magistro nostrandorum magistro nostratorumque beuvetis lib. octo galantissimi", by Chaultcouillon [French for "hot balls" (that is, testicles).]
* "De modo cacandi", by Tartaretus
* "De modo faciendi boudinos", by Majoris
* "De moustarda post prandium servienda lib. quatuordecium, apostilati per M. Vaurillon", by M. N. Rostocostojambedanesse
* "De optimitate triparum", by Beda
* "De originbe patepelutarum et torticollorum ritibus lib. septem", by Moillegroin ["Wet nose".]
* "De patria diabolorum", by Merlin Coccaius
* "De pelendis mascarendisque cardinalium mulis", by Marforius
* "De re militari, cum figuris Tevoti", by Franctopinus
* "De terribiliditate excommunicationum libellus acephalos", by Jo. Dytebrodius
* "De usa et utilitate escorchandi equos et equas", by "Our Master of Quebecu"
* "De vita et honestate braguardorum" by Lourdadus ["Dumbbell ".]
* "Decretum universitatis Parisiensis super gorgiasitate muliercularum ad placitum"
* "Decrotarorium scholarium"
* "Dribbling Tipplings by Useless Bishops"F
* "Fairy Tales of the Law"
* "Faking the Holy Cross"
* "Folk Dances for Heretics"
* "Forcible Removal in Matters Requiring a Conscience"
* "Formicarium artium"
* "Fun With Dice"G
* "Garters, or Patience's Knee-Boots"
* "The Guzzlers' Den", by Alcofrybas Nasier.H
* "Heretics' Hides"
* "Heroes' Elephant Balls"
* "The History of Elves, Brownies, and Hobgoblins"
* "How a Vision of Saint Gertrude Appeared to a Nun, at Poissy, When She Went into Labor"
* "How Fast Friars Fool Around"
* "How Grabby Beggars Grab", collected by Brother Cut-your-wallet
* "How Priests Cover Themselves"
* "How Priests Say No"
* "How to Get to the Bottom, in Discipline"
* "How to Keep It Up Till You're Ninety"
* "How to Make a Nobleman Shut Up"
* "How Virgins Shit"
* "How Wine Spurs You On"
* "Humility's Worn-out Shoe"
* "The Hungry Jaws of Lawyers"I
* "Incessant Fartings of Ecclesiastical Scriveners: Scribes, Copyists, Abbreviators, Court Clerks, and Calendar Fixers", compiled by Regis
* "Ingeniositas invocandi diabolos et diabolas", by Guingolfus [An unknown author. The name "Guingolfus" probably translates as "wolf friend".]
* "Judges' Bulging Bellies"L
* "Ladies' Finger Bells"
* "Landing in Brazil", byAntonio de Leva
* "Lawyers' Complaints about the Abolition of Bribes"
* "Lyripipi Sorbonici Moralisationes", by LupoldusM
* "Magistrates in Cat Fur"
* "Magnanimity's Stewpot"
* "Making Money on Indulgences"
* "Malogranatum vitiorum"
* "Maneries ramonandi fournellos", by Eccius
* "Marriage Tied Around with a String"
* "Misers' Mountains"
* "Monks' Cowls"
* "The Musty Mustard-Pot of Penitence"N
* "The Notary's Basket"
* "Official Swindlers"
* "Old Soldiers and Other Bums"
* "On the Clownishness of Country Priests"P
* "Pantofla decretorum"
* "Peas in Lard, with commentary"
* "Perpetual Almanac for Those Afflicted with Gout or the Pox"
* "The Pharmacists' Fart Sucker"
* "Piety's Handcuffs"
* "Pleasures of the Monastic Life"
* "Poetasters' Bellybuttons"
* "Poiltronismus rerum Italicarum", byEtienne Brulefer
* "Political Glue"
* "A Pot for All Seasons"
* "The Preacher's Featherduster" by a bum
* "Prognostication", by Songecruyson, the "Master of Useless Dreams"Q
* "Quaestio subtilissima, utrum Chimera in vacuo bombinans possit comedere secundus intentiones, et fuit debatuta per decem hebdomadas in concilio Constantiensi"
* "Rear-Flapping Trousers for Shitheads"
* "Roman Fanfares"* "Stories of the Kings of Canarre", by Marotus du Lac
* "Stratagemata Francharchieri de Bagnolet"
* "Stupid Noises by Celestine Monks"
* "Surgery's Kiss-My-Ass"
* "The Sweat Stink of Spaniards", by Iñigo de LoyolaT
* "Tarraballationes Doctorum Coloniensium adversus Reuchlin "
* "Theologians' Rat Traps"
* "Theology's Tennis Ball"
* "Thieves' Dens"
* "Travelers' Trinkets"
* "Tricks by Trixies and Elves"
* "The Tripe-Pod of Noble Thought"V
* "Virevoustatorium nacquettorum" by F. Pedebilletis ["Pinhead".]
* "What Bothers Priests about Holy Confession"
* "Why Hermits Have Pendulous Beards"
* "Why Monkeys Smack Their Lips When They Pray"
* "Widows' Bald Asses"
* "Worm Powder for the Poor"Notes
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