Snakehead rhabdovirus

Snakehead rhabdovirus

color = violet
name = Snakehead rhabdovirus
virus_group = V
ordo = "Mononegavirales"
familia = "Rhabdoviridae"
genus = "Novirhabdovirus"
species = "Snakehead rhabdovirus"

"Snakehead rhabdovirus" (SHRV) is a novirhabdovirus [ [ Rhabdoviridae] ICTVdB Index of Viruses, Version 28, June, 2002. Retrieved on 2007-07-15.] that affects various species warm water wild and pond-cultured fish in Southeast Asia, including snakehead species for which it is named. [Johnson, Marc C., Benjamin E. Simon, Carol H. Kim, and Jo-Ann C. Leong. [ Production of Recombinant Snakehead Rhabdovirus: the NV Protein Is Not Required for Viral Replicationdagger] . "Journal of Virology", March 2000, p. 2343-2350, Vol. 74, No. 5. Retrieved on 2007-07-15.]

It optimal temperature range for growth is between 28°C and 31°C. It is classified as a novirhabdovirus because of its nonvirion gene (NV). Coding sequences of its glycoprotein (G) genes were found to be similar to the three other presently-classified novirhabdoviruses, "Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus" (VHSV), "Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus" (IHNV), and "Hirame rhabdovirus" (HIRRV), with between 36% and 47% amino acid identity. [Johnson, M.C., J.M. Maxwell, P.C. Loh, J.A. Leong. [ Molecular characterization of the glycoproteins from two warm water rhabdoviruses: snakehead rhabdovirus (SHRV) and rhabdovirus of penaeid shrimp (RPS)/spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV).] . "Virus Research", Volume 64, Issue 2, November 1999, Pages 95-106. Retrieved on 2007-07-15.]


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