UKA is the largest cultural festival in Norway and is arrangedevery other year entirely by volunteer students from Trondheim. In 2005, 1394 students did volunteer work, while 78,000 event tickets were sold.The name "UKA" translates to "the week", although it now lasts for the better part of a month.


UKA was established in 1917 by students studying at the
Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH, now part of NTNU) in an attempt to improve the
financial situation within the
students' community in
Trondheim. In 1917 the festival mainly consisted of a revue,which was arranged every other year except the mid-waryears. Starting with scarce resources UKA has been in constant growth and is todaythe largest Norwegian cultural festival with more concerts andentertainment than ever before. Although the festival now features big name artists, the organizers still consider revue, UKErevyen, as the "heart" of the festival.


Every UKErevyen revue is given a name, which also becomes the name of the entire festival. The name is decided by the writers and is a well-kept secret all the way up to the opening of the festival and the play, and only a handful people outside of the writers' collegium knows it before it's officially revealed. This is a big event where the name is physically uncovered at midnight in front of the student society, with several thousand attendants.

The writers aren't entirely free in choosing the name either. A more or less strict set of rules applies, never written down, but followed from one festival to the next. The most important ones are that the name should consist of three syllables, and that it should have several meanings, either in splitting up the word(s) or rearranging the letters. The rules aren't always followed, as seen with the name of UKA-03; Glasur, that had only two syllables. It did, however, supply different interpretations, first of all with the word itself, meaning glaze, then "Gla' sur" which means "happy sad", and "gla'rus" (a rush of happiness). UKA-05 restored the rule of three syllables with the name Origo.

List of UKA names

* 2007, "Manifest"
* 2005, "Origo"
* 2003, "Glasur"
* 2001, "Paradoks" (Paradox)
* 1999, ",kåMMa," (Comma)
* 1997, "Alt er sex"
* 1995, "skjer-mer-@"
* 1993, "Fabula"
* 1991, "bom-t-bom"
* 1989, "jaggumæ"
* 1987, "De-cha-vi"
* 1985, "Narr i ciss"
* 1983, "E' de' ber"
* 1981, "Fan-tutte"
* 1979, "Ræggeti"
* 1977, "Laugalaga"
* 1975, "Sirkuss" (Circus)
* 1973, "Skubidi"
* 1971, "Åja"
* 1969, "prinkipo"
* 1967, "Jarragakk"
* 1965, ",serdu..."
* 1963, "kiss mett"
* 1961, "filliputt"
* 1959, "Krakatitt"
* 1957, "Krusedull"
* 1955, "VAU-De-Ville"
* 1953, "GUST i BUS"
* 1951, "akk-a-mei"
* 1949, "Domino"
* 1947, "Fandango"
* 1945, "Go-a-head"
* 1939, "Tempora"
* 1937, "Vær-i-tass"
* 1935, "Dek-e-du"
* 1933, "NÆMESiS (Nemesis)"
* 1931, "mammon ra"
* 1929, "Cassa rossa"
* 1927, "Merry go round"
* 1925, "BiNG BANG"
* 1923, "Charivari"
* 1921, "Rah-ta-tah"
* 1919, "Jazz"
* 1917, "Baccarat"


During the twenty-five days of the UKA-05 festival there were more than280 events and 78,000 ticketswere sold. Highlights from UKA-05 included:

* The Dandy Warhols
* De La Soul
* Kaizers Orchestra
* Seigmen
* Tom McRae
* Wyclef Jean
* UKErevyen - UKA's own traditional revue
* Chippendales
* Oktoberfest

Former UKA festivals have included:

* 50 Cent
* a-ha
* The Cardigans
* Dum Dum Boys
* Håvard Gimse
* Public Enemy
* Turbonegro
* The Prodigy

ee also

* Studentersamfundet i Trondhjem
* Norwegian University of Science and Technology
* The International Student Festival in Trondheim

External links

* [ UKA's home page]

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