- Sokhatsky-Weierstrass theorem
The Sokhatsky-Weierstrass theorem (also spelled Sokhotsky-Weierstrass theorem, and also called the Weierstrass theorem, although the latter term has several, more common, alternate meanings) is a
theorem incomplex analysis , which helps in evaluating certainCauchy-type integral s, among many other applications. It is often used in physics, although rarely referred to by name. The theorem is named after Yulian Sokhotski andKarl Weierstrass .Statement of the theorem
Let "f" be a complex-valued function which is defined and continuous on the real line, and let "a" and "b" be real constants with "a < 0 < b". Then the theorem states that
:lim_{varepsilon ightarrow 0^+} int_a^b frac{f(x)}{xpm i varepsilon},dx = mp i pi f(0) + mathcal{P}int_a^b frac{f(x)}{x},
where mathcal{P} denotes the
Cauchy principal value .Proof of the theorem
A simple proof is as follows.
:lim_{varepsilon ightarrow 0^+} int_a^b frac{f(x)}{xpm i varepsilon},dx = mp i pi lim_{varepsilon ightarrow 0^+} int_a^b frac{varepsilon}{pi(x^2+varepsilon^2)}f(x),dx + lim_{varepsilon ightarrow 0^+} int_a^b frac{x^2}{x^2+varepsilon^2} , frac{f(x)}{x}, dx.
For the first term, we note that varepsilon/(pi(x^2+varepsilon^2)) is an
approximate identity , and therefore approaches aDirac delta function in the limit. Therefore, the first term equals mp i pi f(0).For the second term, we note that the factor x^2/(x^2+varepsilon^2) approaches 1 for |"x"| >> ε, approaches 0 for |"x"| << ε, and is exactly symmetric about 0. Therefore, in the limit, it turns the integral into a
Cauchy principal value integral.Physics application
quantum mechanics andquantum field theory , one often has to evaluate integrals of the form:int_{-infty}^infty int_0^infty f(E)exp(-iEt),dt, dE,
where "E" is some energy and "t" is time. This expression, as written, is undefined (since the time integral does not converge), so it is typically modified by adding a negative real coefficient to "t" in the exponential, and then taking that to zero, i.e.:
:lim_{varepsilon ightarrow 0^+} int_{-infty}^infty int_0^infty f(E)exp(-iEt-varepsilon t),dt, dE
::i lim_{varepsilon ightarrow 0^+} int_{-infty}^infty frac{f(E)}{E-ivarepsilon},dE = -pi f(0)+i mathcal{P}int_{-infty}^{infty}frac{f(E)}{E},dE,where the latter step uses this theorem.
* Chapter 3.1.
* Appendix A, equation (A.19).References that refer to the theorem by name
Most sources that use this theorem, as mentioned above, refer to it generically as "a well-known theorem" or some variant. Here are some sources that refer to the theorem by name:
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=FL_u_J05qVEC&pg=PA60&lpg=PA60&dq=%22sokhotsky+weierstrass%22&source=web&ots=8yD1GxfjRJ&sig=ghjn35OX-bcW1MFLd_oBLbWczgs&hl=en "Quantum Theory of Many-body Systems: Techniques and Applications" by Alexandre M. Zagoskin, p60]
* [http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-th/0212062 Relativistic effects in proton-induced deuteron break-up at intermediate energies with forward emission of a fast proton pair]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=hB84gN0fmh8C&pg=PA259&lpg=PA259&dq=sokhotsky-weierstrass&source=web&ots=RLL0oRmps3&sig=P8SfPatLaSYtt-N9iTvApvQg_pA&hl=en "Two-dimensional Coulomb Liquids and Solids", Yuriy Monarkha, p259]
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