2007 Caribou Hills fire

2007 Caribou Hills fire

A 2007 wildfire that burned near Ninilchik, Alaska, known as the Caribou Hills Fire, moved toward the town and at its peak threatened approximately 300 structures. [http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/kenai/story/9059887p-8971275c.html] It began June 19, 2007, when sparks created by a tool being used to sharpen a shovel ignited dry grass. [http://www.adn.com/front/story/9083473p-8999561c.html]

Firefighters called for evacuations of residents in outlying areas, specifically the Ninilchik 40 subdivision and the Caribou Hills cabins. [http://www.ktuu.com/Global/story.asp?S=6694978] On June 21, 2007 smoke from this fire began rolling into Anchorage, Alaska and other areas, leading to air quality and health advisories [http://www.ktuu.com/Global/story.asp?S=6694461] .

As of June 24, 2007 approximately 75 structures had been destroyed by the fire, including 34 cabins, 1 primary residence and 40 outbuildings such as sheds and outhouses. Federal funding of the fire suppression effort was approved on June 23, 2007. [http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/kenai/story/9072626p-8989800c.html]

The fire was declared under control in early July, 2007. It destroyed a total of 197 structures, including 88 cabins and other homes and 109 outbuildings. [http://www.homernews.com/stories/07052007/news_0705new11.shtml]

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