- Plaint number
A Plaint number is "an old-fashioned term for a claim number". [ [http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/infoabout/glossary/legal.htm#P Her Majestery's Courts official web site] ] [ [http://www.lawglossary.net/definition/2314-Plaint_Number Law Glossary] ] [ [http://www.lawyersupermarket.com/personal/atoz?letter=P Lawyer Supermarket glossary] ]
It was formerly used in the British
Court system . [ [http://www.legalbanter.co.uk/uk-legal-moderated-legal-topics/32327-county-court-directions-hearing.html Legal Banter] ] The term continues to be used inAustralia , and searches for court records in Australian use the "plaint number". [ [http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/cguide/pr/rg000006.htm New South Wales records official web site] ] [ [http://www.archivessearch.qld.gov.au/search/SeriesDetails.aspx?SeriesId=5161 Queensland records official web site] ] [ [http://www.environment.gov.au/search.php?query=For+schools&s=&theme=all&p=5499 Australian Department of Environment and Water Resources official web site] ] [ [http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/bill/slpb22003471/ New South Wales official web site] ] [Decision from an Australian Ombusman: [http://www.tio.com.au/publications/determinations/Determination%202006-11%20IntDD.pdf] ] [ [http://search.archives.tas.gov.au/default.aspx?detail=1&type=S&id=AC579 Tasmania records official web site] ]Claims under
administrative law formedical malpractice or other professional misconduct may also use a "plaint number". [ [http://www.nabp.net/ftpfiles/newsletters/ME/ME032001.pdf Newsletter of the Maine Board of Pharmacy] ]References
ee also
Allocation questionnaire
*Mental health courts
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