Société des traversiers du Québec

Société des traversiers du Québec

The Société des traversiers du Québec (STQ), or Quebec Ferry Corporation in English, is a Canadian provincial Crown corporation in the province of Quebec which operates some inter-provincial ferry services.

STQ operates the following services :

* St. Ignace de Loyola to Sorel, crossing the St. Lawrence River with two boats, the N.M. Catherine-Legardeur and the N.M. Lucien-L..

* Levis to Quebec City, crossing the St. Lawrence River with two twin boat, the N.M. Alphonse-Desjardins and the N.M. Lomer-Gouin.

* Tadoussac to Baie-Ste-Catherine, crossing the Saguenay River with three boats, the N.M. Armand-Imbeau and the N.M. Jos-Deschênes all year long and the N.M. Félix-Antoine-Savard in the summer.

* Matane to Baie-Comeau and Godbout, crossing the St. Lawrence River with one boat, the N.M. Camille-Marcoux.

*L'Isle-aux-Coudres to Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, crossing the St. Lawrence River with two boats, the N.M. Joseph-Savard and the N.M. Radisson.

The following services are operated in partnership with some other company:

* L'Isle-aux-Grues to Montmagny crossing the St. Lawrence River with one boat, the N.M. Grues-des-Îles

* Rivière-du-Loup to Saint-Siméon crossing the St. Lawrence River with one boat, the N.M. Trans-Saint-Laurent

* Île d'Entrée to Cap-aux-Meules connecting two island of Magdalen Islands with one passenger only boat, the S.P. Bonaventure.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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