

Kedar is a name that appears in both Judaism and Hinduism.

In Judaism

*Kedar, the second son of Ishmael, ancestor of Muhammad.
*Kedar was also an Arabian tribe of nomadic herdsman that traded with Israel in the time of the Monarchy (e.g. David, Solomon etc.). [ McKenzie, John, Dictionary of the Bible, Simon & Schuster, 1995.]
*Kedar (town) - settlement east of Jerusalem near Maale Adumim

In Hinduism

*Kedar means invincible or powerful.
*Kedar can also be an entity that has such a powerful presence that it brings about calm and peacefulness.
*Shiva, (a Hindu God) is also known as Kedarnath meaning (Powerful Lord - Nath meaning Lord and Kedar meaning Powerful) god who is worshipped at the Kedarnath Temple in the north of India. Kedar nath temple is located in the foot of Himalayas. One can go to Rishikesh (a holy city) to reach Kedarnath temple from there. [] .
*Kedar is a raga in Indian classical music. [ [ Raga Kedar- A Perspective ] ] .


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