- Bracket algebra
A bracket algebra is an algebraic system that connects the notion of a
supersymmetry algebra with a symbolic representation ofprojective invariant s.Given that "L" is a proper signed alphabet and Super ["L"] is the supersymmetric algebra, the bracket algebra Bracket ["L"] of dimension "n" over the field "K" is the quotient of the algebra Brace{"L"} obtained by imposing the congruence relations below, where "w", "w"', ..., "w" are any monomials in Super ["L"] :
# {"w"} = 0 if length("w") ≠ "n"
# {"w"}{"w"' }...{"w"} = 0 whenever any positive letter "a" of "L" occurs more than "n" times in the monomial {"w"}{"w"'}...{"w"}.
# Let {"w"}{"w"'}...{"w"} be a monomial in Brace{"L"} in which some positive letter a occurs more than "n" times, and let "b", "c", "d", "e", ..., "f", "g" be any letters in "L".References
*Citation | last1 = Anick | first1 = David | last2 = Rota | first2 = Gian-Carlo | author2-link = Gian-Carlo Rota | year = 1991 | title = Higher-Order Syzygies for the Bracket Algebra and for the Ring of Coordinates of the Grassmanian | periodical = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | volume = 88 | issue = 18 | date =
September 15 ,1991 | pages = 8087–8090 | url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0027-8424%2819910915%2988%3A18%3C8087%3AHSFTBA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-8.*Citation | last1 = Huang | first1 = Rosa Q. | last2 = Rota | first2 = Gian-Carlo | last3 = Stein | first3 = Joel A. | year = 1990 | title = Supersymmetric Bracket Algebra and Invariant Theory | periodical = Acta Applicandae Mathematicae | volume = 21 | pages = 193–246 | publisher = Kluwer Academic Publishers | url = http://www.springerlink.com/content/q821633w3291351g/.
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