- Poisson algebra
mathematics , a Poisson algebra is anassociative algebra together with a Lie bracket that also satisfiesLeibniz' law ; that is, the bracket is also a derivation. Poisson algebras appear naturally inHamiltonian mechanics , and are also central in the study ofquantum group s.Manifold s with a Poisson algebra structure are known asPoisson manifold s, of which thesymplectic manifold s and thePoisson-Lie group s are a special case. The algebra is named in honour ofSiméon-Denis Poisson .Definition
A Poisson algebra is a
vector space over a field "K" equipped with twobilinear products, cdot and { , }, having the following properties:* The product cdot forms an associative "K"-algebra.
* The product { , }, called the
Poisson bracket , forms aLie algebra , and so it is anti-symmetric, and obeys theJacobi identity .* The Poisson bracket acts as a derivation of the associative product cdot, so that for any three elements "x", "y" and "z" in the algebra, one has {"x", "yz"} = {"x", "y"}"z" + "y"{"x", "z"}.
The last property often allows a variety of different formulations of the algebra to be given, as noted in the examples below.
Poisson algebras occur in various settings.
ymplectic manifolds
The space of real-valued
smooth function s over asymplectic manifold forms a Poisson algebra. On a symplectic manifold, every real-valued function H on the manifold induces a vector field X_H, theHamiltonian vector field . Then, given any two smooth functions F and G over the symplectic manifold, the Poisson bracket {,} may be defined as::F,G}=dG(X_F),.
This definition is consistent in part because the Poisson bracket acts as a derivation. Equivalently, one may define the bracket {,} as
:X_{{F,G= [X_F,X_G] ,
where [,] is the
Lie derivative . When the symplectic manifold is mathbb R^{2n} with the standard symplectic structure, then the Poisson bracket takes on the well-known form:F,G}=sum_{i=1}^n frac{partial F}{partial q_i}frac{partial G}{partial p_i}-frac{partial F}{partial p_i}frac{partial G}{partial q_i}.
Similar considerations apply for
Poisson manifold s, which generalize symplectic manifolds by allowing the symplectic bivector to be vanishing on some (or trivially, all) of the manifold.Associative algebras
If "A" is a noncommutative
associative algebra , then the commutator ["x","y"] ≡"xy"−"yx" turns it into a Poisson algebra.Vertex operator algebras
For a
vertex operator algebra V,Y, omega, 1), the space V/C_2(V) is a Poisson algebra with a,b}=a_0b and a cdot b =a_{-1}b. For certain vertex operator algebras, these Poisson algebras are finite dimensional.ee also
Poisson superalgebra
*Antibracket algebra References
*springer|id=p/p110170|title=Poisson algebra|author=Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach
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