Nationalism — Part of a series on Nationalism … Wikipedia
Types of nationalism — Many scholars argue that there is more than one type of nationalism. Nationalism may manifest itself as part of official state ideology or as a popular (non state) movement and may be expressed along civic, ethnic, cultural, religious or… … Wikipedia
Integral nationalism — is one of five types of nationalism defined by Carlton Hayes in his 1928 book The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism. More recently, Peter Alter discussed Integral Nationalism in his book Nationalism , along with its opposite,… … Wikipedia
Anarchism and nationalism — both emerged in Europe following the French Revolution, and have a long relationship going back at least to Mikhail Bakunin and his involvement with the Pan Slavic movement prior to his conversion to anarchism. There has been a long history of… … Wikipedia
Romantic nationalism — Liberty Leading the People, embodying the Romantic view of the French Revolution of 1830, also known as the July Revolution; its painter Eugène Delacroix also served as an elected deputy … Wikipedia
Liberal nationalism — is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights.[1] Ernest Renan[2] and John Stuart Mill … Wikipedia
Anti-nationalism — denotes the sentiments associated with the opposition to nationalism, arguing that it is undesirable or dangerous. Some anti nationalists are humanitarians or humanists who pursue an idealist form of world community, and self identify as world… … Wikipedia
Cultural nationalism — is a form of nationalism in which the nation is defined by a shared culture. It is an intermediate position between ethnic nationalism on one hand and liberal nationalism on the other.[1] Cultural nationalism will thus focus on a national… … Wikipedia
Macedonian nationalism — Map of Macedonia on the basis of earlier publication in the newspaper Македонскi Голосъ of the Saint Petersburg Macedonian Colony, 1913 Macedonian nationalism is a term referring to the ethnic Macedonian version of nationalism. Contents … Wikipedia
Neo-nationalism — is a form of nationalism that is unique in the sense that it reacts to the process of globalization and more specifically the globalization of capital. Neo nationalism primarily elaborates upon the world systems theory, by using the core… … Wikipedia