Zinc aluminium

Zinc aluminium

Zinc-aluminium alloys, more commonly referred to as ZA, are named as such because the main constituents are zinc and aluminium. Other alloying elements include magnesium and copper. This type of alloy was originally developed for gravity casting. Noranda, New Jersey Zinc Co. Ltd., St. Joe Mineral Co. and ILZRO were the main companies that pioneered the ZA alloys between the 1950s and the 1970s. They were designed to compete with bronze, cast iron and aluminium using sand and permanent mold casting methods. Distinguishing features of ZA alloys include high as-cast strength, excellent bearing properties, as well as low energy requirements (for melting).

The numbers associated with the name represent the amount of aluminium in the alloy (i.e. ZA8 has 8% aluminium).cite web |url=http://www.eazall.com/gravitycasting.aspx |title=Gravity Casting Alloys|accessdate=2007-07-19|publisher=Eastern Alloys, Inc]

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