Press support

Press support

Press support is a Norwegian state subsidy available for newspapers. The subsidy is twofold; the fist part is a direct subsidy of all second largest newspapers in cities, after circulation. The other subsidy is that newspaper are subject to no sales tax (as are books).

Direct support

The direct subsidy is managed by the Norwegian Media Authority, and was NOK 303 million in 2006, paid to 138 newspapers. It was introduced in 1969, because of the fear of a massive newspaper death like Sweden and Denmark had seen, mainly the second largest newspapers in each city. Also, at the time, most newspapers were not political neutral, with many papers being controlled by either conservative forces, the labour movement or political parties. Support is given to all newspapers that are do not have the largest circulation in the city of publishing. There are limitations on the newspapers who can receive support, including that the support will cease if the pay dividend to their owners. Other support is given to media research, follow-up studies, sami newspapers, immigrant publications and distribution support for Finnmark.

The press support has been partially successful, with a number of second-largest newspapers surviving, like "Bergensavisen" (Bergen), "Rogalands Avis" (Stavanger) and "Dagsavisen" (Oslo). Other secondary newspapers have been closed, like "Trondheims-Pressen". The largest receivers are often national newspapers, targeting special (often political) sectors, like "Klassekampen" (Socialist), "Nationen" (Agrarian) and "Vårt Land" (Christian). Most of the large, business and tabloid newspapers, like Dagbladet or Dagens Næringsliv, do not receive support, since they pay dividend to their owners.

Indirect support

The by far greatest support to the newspapers exceeds NOK 1 billion through not charging sales tax on newspapers. This is a general support to encourage and subsidise papers; to stimulate public debate and conciousnes, democracy, freedom of speech and for the media to function as a guard dog for society.

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