Leonty Gagemeister

Leonty Gagemeister

Leonty Andrianovich Gagemeister (Russian: "Леонтий Андрианович Гагемейстер", 1780–1833) was a Russian seafarer and explorer of the Pacific Ocean, Captain of the 1st rank.

In 1806-1807, Gagemeister journeyed from Kronstadt to Russian America, crossing the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans in his ship "Neva". In 1808–1809, he explored the shores of Alaska and made trips to the North Pacific. Gagemeister returned to St. Petersburg through Siberia in 1810. He was chairman of the Admiralty of Irkutsk from 1812 to 1815, in which capacity Gagemeister was responsible for the building of the first ships for crossing Lake Baikal. From 1816 to 1819, he was in charge of the ship Russian-American Company ship "Kutuzov", on which he made his first circumnavigation of the globe, with a stop in Russian America. In 1828–1829, Gagemeister made his second circumnavigation on the ship "Krotky". During this journey, he surveyed the Menshikov Atoll in the Marshall Islands, plotting it on the map and specifying the location of some other islands.

An island and a strait in Alaska bear Gagemeister's name.

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