List of Pokémon (181-200)

List of Pokémon (181-200)

At the core of the multi-billion dollarcite web|url=|title=Pokémon Franchise Approaches 150 Million Games Sold|publisher=PR Newswire|accessdate=] "Pokémon" media franchise of various electronic games, ongoing anime, several manga series, collectible trading card games, and other media are 493 distinctive fictional species classified as the titular Pokémon. Created by Satoshi Tajiri, "Pokémon" is one of Nintendo's flagship game franchises, which has sold over 143 million copies worldwide as of 2007. [cite web|author=David|publisher=Australia's PAL Gaming Network|year=2005|url=|title=Nintendo reveal sales figures|accessmonthday=|accessyear=] These creatures and entities reside throughout various locations of the fictional Pokémon universe and can be caught by humans designated as Pokémon Trainers often using devices called Poké Balls. These trainers use Pokémon for a variety of purposes, such as being pets and loyal companions and/or being pitted against other trained Pokémon in competitive Pokémon battles. Pokémon are potentially powerful and magical creatures that can employ a variety of talents such as generating fire or heat, martial arts, telekinesis, and so on. Through age and experience many of these species undergo a metamorphosis and transform into a similar but stronger specie in a process referred to as Pokémon evolution.

This is a selected listing of twenty of the Pokémon species, arranged as they are in the main game series' National Pokédex.


number = 181
type = Electric
evolvesfrom = Flaaffy
evolvesto =

nihongo|Ampharos|デンリュウ|Denryū are powerful, bipedal creatures, after gaining the ability to stand upright full-time upon evolution from Flaaffy. Its sleek yellow body is marked with black rings around its neck, and tail. It has black markings along its horns as well as the orbs on its body. Ampharos has powerful light abilities, its main light sources being the large orbs on its tail and head, and because of this is often used as a beacon in lighthouses, and mythical legend says that these lights can even be seen from outer space. Before the introduction of modern technology, Ampharos' light was used to communicate between long distances, in much a similar way to smoke signals.


number = 182
type = Grass
evolvesfrom = Gloom
evolvesto =

nihongo|Bellossom|キレイハナ|Kireihana is a diurnal plant Pokémon. It evolves from Gloom if exposed to a Sun Stone. Bellossom's petals can rotate, and they usually do when it is absorbing sunlight. The color of their leaves vary from a sickly brown and gray to a fluorescent yellow and red, depending on how much sunlight it has absorbed in the past few hours. When its petals are moving, either due to rotating or dancing, they rub together to make relaxing, bell-like sounds. The petals on its head also create a sweet scent.

It is also noted that a Bellossom will be even more beautiful if it was an especially rancid Gloom. The worse it smells as a Gloom, the prettier its petals will be as a Bellossom. Although naturally a peaceful and friendly Pokémon, it can be very territorial and violent fights can break out if there is an intruder or a challenger. Despite this, it is very social in areas outside of its self-determined territory, and the most common time to find a group of Bellossom together is when they all meet in one location to dance. It is said that these dances summon the sun.

Its Japanese name, "Kireihana", translates to "Beautiful" (kirei) and "Flower" (hana).


number = 183
type = Water
evolvesfrom = Azurill
evolvesto = Azumarill

nihongo|Marill|マリル|Mariru|Maril in original Japanese language versions is an aquatic mouse Pokémon. Marill's tail floats like a buoy because it is filled with oil, which is less dense than water. When fishing at a fast-running stream, Marill wraps its tail around a tree. Since the tail is stretchy and flexible, it allows the Pokémon to get food and still stay safely anchored. Otherwise, when in a lake, it uses the buoy-qualities of its tail to keep itself suspended as the rest of its body dives underwater to feed on aquatic plants. Its fur is impermeable, which keeps it dry, and that allows it to swim through water at high speed without being slowed by the water's resistance.

In the Pokémon Anime, Tracey, the Pokémon Observer from the Orange Islands, has a Marill which he uses on multiple occasions.


number = 184
type = Water
evolvesfrom = Marill
evolvesto =

nihongo|Azumarill|マリルリ|Mariruri|Marilli in original Japanese language versions is the evolved form of Marill. Azumarill resembles a blue, bipedal rabbit with a large, ellipsoid body, long blue ears with red insides, and a blue ball on the end of its thin, elastic black tail. The white bubble-like pattern on its lower stomach helps it to camouflage itself from potential predators when it is in the water.

Azumarill's long ears act as sensors to identify sounds even in fast running rivers. Otherwise, when alone, Azumarill plays in water as a natural pastime, though it must roll up its elongated ears to prevent the sensitive sensory materials inside them from getting wet. The ball at the end of its tail can act as a sensor and guide it while under water. It can make thick, liquid balloons out of thin air with the saliva-water stored in its body. If it spots a drowning Pokémon in any body of water, it fashions such air balloons and jumps in to give the troubled Pokémon air balloons to help it breathe.

In the Pokémon anime, Paul owned an Azumarill which he used in a gym battle against Roark. Although it knew powerful Water attacks like Hydro Pump, it lost to Roark's Geodude, which prompted Paul to give it to a Pokémon trainer passing by, being disappointed by its strength.


number = 185
type = Rock
evolvesfrom = Bonsly
evolvesto =

nihongo|Sudowoodo|ウソッキー|Usokkī is a bending, bipedal creature vaguely in the shape of a tree trunk. It has a double-pronged protuberance on its head, tiny feet, a simple face, and a pair of three-fingered hands where the fingers are green spheres resembling leaves on a tree. Although Sudowoodo pretends to be a tree, its body is made not out of wood, but rock. It uses this as a form of camouflage, hiding among forest areas to avoid being attacked by enemies. Additionally, its signature technique is "Mimic", which allows it to copy enemy attacks. It earns its classification as the imitation Pokémon through these practices.

In the winter seasons, when trees are either white with snow or have had their leaves fall off from autumn, Sudowoodo is easy to spot as a fake because its hands remain green, making winter a more dangerous time for Sudowoodo to be in the presence of foes. Also, as a creature whose composition resembles rock, Sudowoodo hates water, so it will disappear and seek shelter when rainfall begins. In the video games, it often blocks areas until sprayed with water, which causes it to battle. In "Pokémon Diamond and Pearl", the twig-shaped appendage atop a Sudowoodo's head is larger on a male than it is on a female. Sudowoodo is voiced by Eric Stuart in 4Kids TV dub and by Bill Rogers in TAJ Productions dub. The origin of its name is: Pseudo (False) + Wood.


number = 186
type = Water
evolvesfrom = Poliwhirl
evolvesto =

nihongo|Politoed|ニョロトノ|Nyorotono, a frog Pokémon, is an alternate evolution of Poliwhirl that is obtained by trading it to another player with a King's Rock. Politoed has green skin which turns yellow at its paws, lower jaw and belly. Its belly is adorned with a green spiral mark, similar to its pre-evolutionary forms. On top of its head grows a long blue hair that is curled in a manner similar to the spiral. Politoed dominates over its related species. When Poliwags and Poliwhirls hear its cry, they come running to its side from far and wide. Its status is displayed in the form of its single blue curly hair, which is an object of reverence among its "subjects." The longer and more curled the hair, the better respected the Politoed who supports it.

In the anime, Politoed is one of the Pokémon used by Misty. She obtained it when her Poliwhirl was withdrawn in its Poké Ball while holding the King's Rock Ash had previously won as a Pokémon sumo tournament prize. Misty's Politoed is strong and cheerful. It is frequently seen joyfully dancing around.


number = 187
type = Grass/Flying
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Skiploom

nihongo|Hoppip|ハネッコ|Hanekko|Hanecco in original Japanese language versions are small, spherical creatures, with long leaves protruding from their head. They have small, gripping feet and ears disproportionate to their body, used to listen for winds. "Pokemon Johto Journeys, Volume 45 - Team Green". Viz Video., September 25, 2001. ASIN B00005MM7D.] Hoppip have extremely petite and almost weightless bodies, and are susceptible to strong winds due to this. When a Hoppip feels a gale approaching, it will lock the leaves on its head with the leaves of other Hoppip, in an attempt to avoid being blown away. If a Hoppip is by itself when in heavy winds, it may grip the ground with its feet to prevent this. Despite the dangers Hoppip face in strong winds, they enjoy gentle breezes and can float in the calmest of winds, which can carry them across vast distances.

Hoppip makes a cameo appearance in the "Pokémon Stadium 2" stage in "Super Smash Bros. Brawl".


number = 188
type = Grass/Flying
evolvesfrom = Hoppip
evolvesto = Jumpluff

nihongo|Skiploom|ポポッコ|Popokko|Popocco in original Japanese language versions the evolution of Hoppip. Skiploom is somewhat similar to its previous form, albeit larger, and Green. It has long dog-like ears, rather than the Cat-like ones of Hoppip. The leaves have turned into a large yellow flower. The flower on its head blossoms at 64 degrees Fahrenheit. As the temperature increases, the flower gradually opens further. This allows Skiploom to be used as a thermometer. It is capable of floating in the air, a skill it uses to get closer to the sun in order to better absorb the sunlight. When the sunlight is strong, its ability, Chlorophyll, increases its speed. When it rains, the flower instantly closes and Skiploom hides under a tree to avoid getting wet.


number = 189
type = Grass/Flying
evolvesfrom = Skiploom
evolvesto =

nihongo|Jumpluff|ワタッコ|Watakko|Watacco in original Japanese language versions is the final form of the Hoppip evolutionary line. Its body is a blue circle with three cotton balls around and has two small red eyes, and now, instead of four legs, they have two feet and a tail. They are a migratory species Pokémon. They take advantage of their light weight and fluffy, buoyant cotton balls to take to the skies. They are very adept at catching the warm southern winds and navigating their way to any location in the world, typically overseas and until they encounter a cold air current, whereupon they will begin landing. While floating, Jumpluff release spores that propagate its offspring around the world. This method of reproduction is reminiscent of dandelions.


number = 190
type = Normal
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Ambipom

nihongo|Aipom|エイパム|Eipamu|Eipam in original Japanese language versions resembles a purple squirrel monkey with its face forever frozen in a maniacal grin that can be described as rictus and a blank stare from its round eyes. On its thin tail is a three fingered hand-like appendage that is very dexterous. It provides both propulsion and balance while Aipom leaps from tree to tree. Aipom is not aggressive by nature and will attempt to tire its natural opponents through dexterous dodging of the opponent’s attacks in hope that the enemy will be discouraged and leave. Otherwise, if the enemy is persistent, the Aipom will try to retreat, but if it is unable to, it will attack by diving at its opponent from the trees.

In the anime, an Aipom steals Ash's hat, and follows his group around until Ash battles and captures it. Ash's Aipom is quite attached to him, getting incredibly jealous when it sees Pikachu on Ash's shoulder . Aipom has the distinction of being the only Pokémon aside from Pikachu that Ash brought with him to Sinnoh, although inadvertently. Aipom seems to enjoy contests, and Dawn believes it prefers contests over battles. In "Throwing the Track Switch!", Ash trades Aipom for Dawn's Buizel because both Pokémon seemed more interested in the other trainer's training.In "Unown of the Solaceon Ruins", Dawn's Aipom evolves into Ambipom.


number = 191
type = Grass
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Sunflora

nihongo|Sunkern|ヒマナッツ|Himanattsu|Himanuts in original Japanese language versions are small, yellow-and-brown creatures with green leaves protruding from their heads. Sunkern's entire life is centered around its evolution into a Sunflora. It moves as little as possible, trying to preserve the energy and nutrients it requires for the evolution process. According to the Pokédex, Sunkern's diet is said only to be morning dew, which collects under the leaves of plants beneath it. The natural enemy of a Sunkern is Spearow as their only form of protection is shaking their leafy heads.


number = 192
type = Grass
evolvesfrom = Sunkern
evolvesto =

nihongo|Sunflora|キマワリ|Kimawari is the evolved form of Sunkern. Sunflora is a diurnal sunflower Pokémon; unlike its unevolved form Sunkern, it is wholly inactive at night. However, it is very active and playful during the day when the sun is bright. Like Bellossom, it evolves using a Sun Stone. Sunflora prefer hot climates; their foliage becomes more colorful and elaborate as the temperature rises. Sunflora unfurl their petals and absorb sunlight for energy. It is possible for a Sunflora to absorb too much sunlight, though. When this happens, its head and petals become engorged and very heavy, which is dangerous for a Sunflora, since it can wilt and possibly get sick. At night, the petals are furled, covering Sunflora's face.

A Sunflora is constantly soaking up sunlight and moving around in a blissful fashion. In preparation for winter, Sunflora will migrate to warmer and sunnier areas, so as not to lose the vital source of their energy. Sunflora like to live in flower patches. They do their best to stay hidden among the other flowers, but usually they are very noticeable.


number = 193
type = Bug/Flying
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Yanmega

nihongo|Yanma|ヤンヤンマ|Yanyanma physically resembles a dragonfly. It has a large green head on a long red thorax, six legs and two pairs of wings. Its head has a pair of segmented eyes and two red spikes on top. Yanma has extremely well-developed wing muscles; in fact, they can generate enough force to break glass by means of the resulting shockwave. Frightened Yanma have been recorded as breaking the sound barrier. Yanma is aided when hunting by its prodigious flying ability; it navigates so perfectly that it can abruptly change direction in mid-flight without slowing down. It can evolve into a Yanmega.


number = 194
type = Water/Ground
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Quagsire

nihongo|Wooper|ウパー|Upā are similar to Axolotl. They are light teal-colored Pokémon with round feet, no arms, and a long tail. Their simplistic face consists of mainly of a large mouth, primarily while open. They have purplish barbed antennae on the sides of their head. Three purple, though sometimes shaded blue or pink, gills are on its stomach. Wooper will usually live in cold water: however, they occasionally come out onto land in search of food. When doing so, they coat their bodies with slimy, poisonous film. Touching the slime with bare hands will cause a shooting pain. Male Wooper have two barbs on their antennae, while female Wooper have one barb. Males also have larger gills.


number = 195
type = Water/Ground
evolvesfrom = Wooper
evolvesto =

nihongo|Quagsire|ヌオー|Nuō has an appearance and habitat similar to that of a giant salamander. Quagsire live a carefree life in muddy ponds and rivers. It acts oblivious to its environment, accidentally bumping its head on the hulls of boats and bottoms of whatever body of water it swims in as it swims, but seeming not to care. Quagsire always bear an absent-looking facial expression. This is likely due to Quagsire's easy-going nature. It hunts by staying still in the water with its mouth open, waiting for small prey to swim into its mouth. It doesn't move, and therefore, doesn't get hungry. It's not uncommon that a fishermen's hook will get caught in the gaping mouth of a feeding Quagsire. Trying to eat what it has caught, the Quagsire would try to swallow, and end up pulling the fishermen off his boat and into the water. Male Quagsire have larger fins on their backs. They wait at the bottom of lakes waiting for prey to wander into its mouth. It also loves eating cherries.


number = 196
type = Psychic
evolvesfrom = Eevee
evolvesto =

nihongo|Espeon|エーフィ|Ēfi|Eifie in original Japanese language versions is an evolved cat-like form of Eevee that became available with the Japanese release of "Pokémon Gold" and "Silver". The appearance of Espeon is said to resemble the Japanese mythological creature known as Nekomata which also displays the feline body with forked tail tip and solid colored eyes. An Espeon's fur is used to sense air currents, allowing it to predict the weather, as well as the actions of its opponent in battle. Its forked tail quivers when this occurs. A red jewel rests on its head, and glows whenever Espeon uses its psychic abilities. Espeon are described as being very loyal to their trainers once they consider them worthy. They are also said to develop precognitive abilities in order to protect their trainers, Espeon become enabled to see into the future to identify potential threats. Eevee evolves into Espeon by having a high happiness level and leveling up during the day. A Sun Shard item can also be used in "Pokémon XD", a Sun Ribbon in "", . Espeon's name is derived from "ESP" and the suffix "-eon", as with every evolution of Eevee.

In "Pokémon Colosseum", Espeon is one of the two starter Pokémon. Espeon appears in the anime film, "Pokémon Heroes", as a Pokémon owned by the film's villains.


number = 197
type = Dark
evolvesfrom = Eevee
evolvesto =

nihongo|Umbreon|ブラッキー|Burakkī|Blacky in original Japanese language versions is one of two Eevee evolutions that first featured in "Pokémon Gold" and "Silver", the other being Espeon. It is called the "Moonlight" Pokémon. It has rabbit-like features displayed strongly in the shape of its head and eyes, a reference to the Japanese idea that you can see the head of a rabbit on the face of the moon. One of Umbreon's most noticeable features is the yellow rings visible around its body. The Pokédex states that the rings will glow when Umbreon leaps to attack, becomes excited, or when there is a full moon. Umbreon are said to evolve as a result of love for their trainers and the moonlight; forcing one to walk during the day can also cause stress to it. They are described as preferring to lurk in darkness while waiting for their opponents to make the first move. If angered, they can secrete powerful poisonous sweat from their pores.

In the video games, Umbreon is obtained by having a high friendship with Eevee and leveling it up at night (or with a Moon Shard in "Pokémon XD", a Lunar Ribbon in "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team" and "Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness").Umbreon is one of the two Pokémon a player will start with in the game "Pokémon Colosseum". In the anime, Ash Ketchum's rival Gary Oak owns an Umbreon.


number = 198
type = Dark/Flying
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Honchkrow

nihongo|Murkrow|ヤミカラス|Yamikarasu is a small black crow with red eyes. The top of its head is styled as a witch's hat and its tail bristles out like a broomstick. Murkrow is rather unpopular in the Pokémon world. Its dismal appearance and nocturnal nature have long caused it to be considered an omen of ill fortune to all who see it. If a Murkrow finds itself wounded, it fights back by leading its pursuer to dark mountain trails in an attempt to get him hopelessly lost in the darkness.

Murkrow is also attracted to bright, shiny objects, which it collects to stash in its nest. This, of course, leads to many arguments between Murkrow and Meowth, who both share a common love of stashing things - and taking from each other! It does not hesitate to steal such objects if necessary and has even been known to attempt to snatch rings off their owner's fingers (and complete strangers too, for that matter). With the addition of "Pokémon Diamond" and "Pearl", it is revealed that some Murkrow are servants to its evolved form, Honchkrow, who spends all of its time preening and ordering the Murkrow around. Also with Diamond and Pearl's release, Murkrow, like many other Pokémon, have gender differences. In this case, Males have a taller "hat" - technically, the crest that resembles a three-pointed witch hat - than females would. Murkrow can only be found wild in the Pokémon Diamond Version in Eterna Forest, while Misdreavus can only be found in Pokémon Pearl at the same location.


number = 199
type = Water/Psychic
evolvesfrom = Slowpoke
evolvesto =

nihongo|Slowking|ヤドキング|Yadokingu|Yadoking in original Japanese language versions is one of the two different species Slowpoke can evolve into, Slowbro being the other. Slowking's appearance is essentially identical to that of Slowpoke, with a few additions: it stands upright, it sports a red-and-white ruff around its neck and it has a bone-like structure on top of its head that is a cross between a helmet and a crown. This is actually a different form of Shellder, similar to the one biting Slowbro's tail. When Slowking is viewed from behind, the eyes of the Shellder can be seen. The Shellder biting Slowking's head injects toxins inside its brain every time Slowking yawns. The poisons interact with Slowking's neural tissue to unlock mental faculties hitherto untapped, making Slowking considerably smarter and more alert than the sluggish Slowpoke or Slowbro. This makes it stand out among theaforementioned species, which recognize it as a leader of sorts.

The anime adds a ritualistic test to select the leader of the Slowpoke and Slowbro. A group of Slowpoke gather in a Shellder-infested lake, at the middle of which laid a King's Rock. The Slowpoke that manages to dodge the Shellder and avoid evolving into Slowbro make it to the King's Rock and places it on its head, whereupon a Shellder clamps on the rock, triggering Slowpoke's evolution into Slowking.

Some Slowking have shown themselves capable of learning human speech, as seen in the movie Pokémon 2000 in which one helps Ash restore order to the world by getting three spheres protected by Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.


number = 200
type = Ghost
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Mismagius

nihongo|Misdreavus|ムウマ|Mūma is a moderately-sized, corporeal apparition that somewhat resembles the disembodied head of a human female. It lacks a nose, has thick, flowing “hair”, and large, yellow eyes with red irises. It appears to wear a necklace of red pearls. Misdreavus lives deep in dark caves. It projects frightening screeching and wailing noises, as well as creepy, sobbing cries, at enemy Pokémon it encounters in the caves, so as to build up a level of fright strong enough so that the Pokémon will flee. Misdreavus’ pearl necklace apparently serves as its means for feeding by absorbing the fearful feelings of targets for nutrition.

In the event that a human, trepid or otherwise, enters a cave area inhabited by a Misdreavus, the Pokémon will attempt to drive him or her out by biting and pulling at the intruding human’s hair, which is used for defense.


External links

* [ Bulbapedia] - A Pokémon Wiki Project

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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