Menkheperre (prince)

Menkheperre (prince)
ra mn xpr
in hieroglyphs

Menkheperre was a prince of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, one of two known sons of Pharaoh Thutmose III and his Great Royal Wife Merytre-Hatshepsut[1]. His name is the throne name of his father and means “Eternal are the manifestatons of Re”.

He is one of six known children of Thutmose and Merytre; his siblings are Pharaoh Amenhotep II, and princesses Nebetiunet, Meritamen, the second Meritamen and Iset[2]. He is depicted together with his sisters on a statue of their maternal grandmother Hui (now in the British Museum). It is likely that some canopic jar fragments from the Valley of the Queens are his.[3].


  1. ^ Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, Thames & Hudson (2004) ISBN 0-500-05128-3, p.133
  2. ^ Dodson & Hilton, op.cit., p.133
  3. ^ Dodson & Hilton, op.cit., p.138

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