

ReWire is a software protocol, jointly developed by Propellerhead and Steinberg, allowing remote control and data transfer among digital audio editing and related software. Originally appearing in the ReBirth software synthesizer in 1998, the protocol has since evolved into an industry standard.

Currently used in Mac OS and Microsoft Windows audio applications, ReWire enables the simultaneous transfer up to 256 audio tracks of arbitrary resolution and 4080 channels of MIDI data. This allows, for example, the output from synthesizer software to be fed directly into a linear editor without the use of intermediate files or analog transfers. There are also provisions to remotely trigger actions, such as starting and stopping recording. The protocol is licensed only to proprietary software authors, but free of charge.

ReWire Hosts ("mixer application")

* Ableton Live
* Adobe Audition
* Audiffex inTone
* Logic Pro
* Arturia Storm
* FL Studio
* Cakewalk Sonar
* Cockos REAPER
* Companion E&D Intuem RW
* Cycling '74 Max/MSP
* Digidesign Pro Tools
* Fairlight Xynergi
* GarageBand
* Granted Software ReVision
* Line 6 GuitarPort
* Line 6 RiffTracker
* MOTU Digital Performer
* Opcode Vision DSP
* Opcode Studio Vision
* Plogue Bidule
* Raw Material Tracktion
* Pro Tools on OS9 using reFuse
* Samplitude 10
* Sonoma Wire Works RiffWorks
* Sony ACID Pro
* Steinberg Cubase
* Steinberg Nuendo
* Synapse Audio Orion

ReWire Clients ("synth application")

* Ableton Live
* ArKaos VJ
* Arturia Storm
* Audionaut Obsession
* Bitheadz Retro AS-1
* Bitheadz Unity DS-1
* Cockos REAPER
* Digital Salade Toki Shot
* FL Studio
* Cakewalk Project 5
* MadTracker
* Cycling '74 Max/MSP
* Plogue Bidule
* Propellerhead Reason
* Propellerhead ReBirth RB-338
* Sony ACID Pro
* Speedsoft VSampler
* Tascam GigaStudio
* Toontrack dfh SUPERIOR
* Torq

External links

* [ Propellerheads' description of ReWire]

See also

*JACK — a similar, open source API for Linux and Mac OS X.
*Soundflower — another OS X option with a similar purpose.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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