- Economic ideology
An economic ideology discerns itself from a pure
economic theory because it is normative rather than just explanatory in its approach. It describes the way an economy should be run and to what end, whereas the only aim of economic theories is to create accurate descriptive models. However the two are closely interrelated. A good way of discerning whether anideology can be classified an economic ideology is to query if it inherently takes a specific and detailed economic standpoint. For instance,Anarchism cannot be said to be an economic ideology as such, because it has amongst othersAnarcho-capitalism on the one hand andAnarcho-communism on the other as subcategories thereof, which in turn can. Furthermore, economic ideologies can be said to be a distinct subset ofeconomic systems , because of the ideological element which is not part of economic systems per se.Examples
Capitalism Capitalism is a broad economic system wherecompetition in afree market determines theprice ,production andconsumption of goods through theinvisible hand ofsupply and demand reaching efficientmarket equilibrium .Capital ,property andenterprise areprivately owned and managed for aprofit . New enterprises may freely gainmarket entry without State restriction.Employment andwages are determined by alabour market that will result in someunemployment .Government andJudicial intervention are necessary at times to ensure the efficient operation of markets againstprice fixing andcollusion by producers andorganized labour , andabuse of market power bymonopolies . The capitalist economy will likely follow abusiness cycle ofeconomic growth andrecession . There are several variations of capitalism, the main ones being capitalistmixed economies , where the state intervenes in market activity and provides some services,Lassiez faire , where the state plays a minimal role, andanarcho-capitalism where the market and private enterprise are completely free from the state which is nonexistent.*
Socialism Socialism refers to a broad set of economic systems in which the major enterprises are either owned or controlled by the state or owned by the members who work in the enterprises who manage them ascooperatives . Some socialist economic systems direct the economy through a national economic plan, while most favor a form of a mixed economy of public and private ownership, while currents such asSocial Democracy advocate social welfare programs in a predominately market-based economy. In most socialist systemsprivate property and private ownership of capital is restricted. The State usually decides on what is produced, and in the case ofmarket socialism , the prices, incomes and levels of production. Unemployment is abolished and employment is guaranteed for life. Traditional Marxian socialism and labor-oriented socialism aim tosubsidize key industries and provide cradle to the grave provision of social services in order to create a more equal society that may be able to develop into Communism. Socialism is usually divided into a few main variations, theplanned economy system, themixed economy ,market socialism and participatory economics orlibertarian socialism .*
Communism Communism is the evolution of socialism so that the central role of the State has 'withered away' and is no longer necessary for the functioning of aplanned economy . All property and capital are collectively owned and managed in a communal,classless andegalitarian society.Currency is no longer needed, and all economic activity, enterprise, labour, production and consumption is freely exchanged "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs ".ee also
Economic system
*Political economy
*Ecological Economics
*Development economics
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