

Na'amat (Hebrew: נעמת‎) is an Israeli women's organization affiliated with the Labour Zionist Movement. Na'amat was founded in 1921.



Na'amat is an acronym for Nashim Ovdot U'Mitnadvot (Hebrew: נשים עובדות ומתנדבות‎), lit. "Working and Volunteering Women."


Na'amat is the largest women's movement in Israel. It has a membership of 800,000 women, (Jews, Arabs, Druze and Circassians) representing the entire spectrum of Israel society. Most are volunteers.[1]

The organization has 100 branches in cities, towns and settlements all over the country.[2]. It also has sister organizations in other countries whose members are part of the World Labour Zionist Movement and the World Zionist Organization.

In 2008, Na'amat, together with two other women's organizations, received the Israel Prize for lifetime achievement and special contribution to society and the State of Israel.[3][4]


See also

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