

The Alvars ( _ta. ஆழ்வார்கள்) (IPA|aːɻʋaːr, ‘those immersed in god’) were Tamil poet saints of south India who lived between sixth and ninth centuries and espousedemotional devotionor bhakti to Visnu-Krishna intheir songs of longing, ecstasy and service. [Harvnb|Food|1996|p=131] Usually twelve Vaishnava saints, who, during the early medieval period of Tamil history, helped revive devotional Hinduism (bhakti) through their hymns of worship to Vishnu and his avatars. They included a woman (Andal). The collection of their hymns is known as Divya Prabhandham

The Bhakti literature that sprang from these Alvars has contributed to the establishment and sustenance of a culture that broke away from the ritual-oriented Vedic religion and rooted itself in devotion as the only path for salvation. In addition they helped to make the Tamil religious life independent of a knowledge of Sanskrit.cite news| title="About Alvars"
work= []
accessdate= 2007-07-02
] As part of the legacy of the Alvars, five Vaishnava philosophical traditions (sampradayas) has developed at the later stages.cite book
author = Mittal, S. G. R. Thursby
year = 2006
title = Religions of South Asia: An Introduction
publisher = Routledge
isbn =
Page 27."As part of the legacy of the Alvars, five Vaisnava (devotion to Visnu) philosophical traditions (sampradaya) emerged that were based on the teachings of ..."]


Alvars or 'Azhwars' literally means 'people who are immersed'. They are so called because they were immersed in their devotion and love to their Lord, Vishnu.cite news| title="Meaning of Alvar"
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accessdate= 2007-07-02


The twelve Alvars were all inspired and ardent devotees who transmitted their divine infatuation to millions. They have left behind an imperishable legacy of devotional Tamil poetry - naalaayira Divya Prabhandham (considered to be the essence of the Vedas, in Tamil, and all in praise of Lord Vishnu). These have been rarely equalled either in quantity or in quality ever after.

The one held in greatest esteem among the Alvars is Nammalvar. He lived during the seventh century CE. His contribution to the four thousand prabandhams is as many as 1352. His hymns are considered by the Vaishnavites to contain the essence of the Vedas. His works - "Thiru Aasiriyam", "Thiru Virudham", "Periya Thiruvandhadhi" correspond to the Yajur, Rig and Atharva Vedas respectively. His other work "Periya Thirumozhi" (Divine words) is the one of the key works of Vaishnavism.

Periyalvar delighted in worshipping Vishnu as mother, nurse, devotee and lady love. Andal, who grew up in Periyalvar's home, is attributed the "Tiruppaavai", a most beautiful collection of 30 verses giving expression to the purest love of God.

Thirumangai Alvar has done mangalasasanam (sung in praise) of maximum number of Divya Desams.

" For a detailed list of number of paasurams of all Alvars on each Divyadesam: Mangalasasanam by Divyadesam"


The revered alvars were not all Brahmins. Nammalvar, or Satakopan, belonged to the Vellala caste. Tirumangai Alvar belonged to the Kallara tribe. Tiruppani Alvar was an untouchable. Kulashekhara was a ruler. Vishnu Chitta, or Periyalvar, was a Brahmin.

Alvars; their place, month and star of birth

The following tables shows the place, century and star of birth of each Alvar.cite news| title="Birth place and stars of Alvars"
work= []
accessdate= 2007-06-20

ee also

* South India's 75 Apostles of Bhakti
* Bhakti movements
* Tamil mythology



*cite book
author = Flood, G.D.
authorlink = Gavin Flood
year = 1996
title = An Introduction to Hinduism
publisher = Cambridge University Press
isbn =

External links

* [ The Twelve Alvars]
* [ Alvars and Srivaishnavism]
* [ The Alvar Saints] (
* [ The Alvar Saints of Tamilnadu] by Jyotsna Kamat

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