

name = "Terebra"

image_caption = "Terebra inversa"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
ordo = Sorbeoconcha
superfamilia = Conoidea
familia = Terebridae
genus = "Terebra"
genus_authority = Bruguière, 1789
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Terebra" is a genus of medium-sized, predatory sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Terebridae, the auger snails. Members of this genus do not have a radula.

pecies in the genus "Terebra"

* "Terebra acrior" Dall, 1889
* "Terebra alba" J. E. Gray, 1834
* "Terebra arcas" Abbott, 1954 - Arcas auger
* "Terebra armillata" Hinds, 1844
* "Terebra benthalis" Dall, 1889
* "Terebra circumcincta" Deshayes, 1857
* "Terebra concava" (Say, 1826) - concave auger
* "Terebra crenifera" Deshayes, 1859 - western crenate auger
* "Terebra dislocata" (Say, 1822) - eastern auger
* "Terebra doellojuradoi" Carcelles, 1953
* "Terebra floridana" Dall, 1889 - yellow auger
* "Terebra glossema" Schwengel, 1942 - tongue auger
* "Terebra hemphilli" Vanatta, 1924
* "Terebra inversa"
* "Terebra lindae" Petuch, 1987
* "Terebra maculata" (Linnaeus, 1758) - marlinspike auger
* "Terebra nassula" Dall, 1889 - woven auger
* "Terebra pedroana" Dall, 1908 - San Pedro auger
* "Terebra protexta" (Conrad, 1846) - fine-ribbed auger
* "Terebra rushii" Dall, 1889 - porcelain auger
* "Terebra subulata"
* "Terebra taurina" (Lightfoot, 1786) - flame auger
* "Terebra thaanumi" Pilsbry, 1921
* "Terebra vinosa" Dall, 1889 - lilac auger


* Powell A. W. B., "New Zealand Mollusca", William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1979 ISBN 0-00-216906-1

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