- Training field
In the U.S. region of
New England , manytown s and cities have kept and maintained the training fields that served as the training grounds forsoldier s,militia , and townspeople during formerwar s, including the AmericanWar of Independence , theWar of 1812 , and theAmerican Civil War .Today, these
area s are normally designated ashistorical sites, and typically includemonument s dedicated toveteran s of American wars. Sometimes, they also includestatues of former importantfigure s in past wars, such asGeorge Washington or theMarquis de Lafayette . They may also include old orantique weapon s, such as centuries-oldcannon s. Some training fields are located in the older parts of cities and towns; others are still the center of thecommunity , adding to thecharm .Often, the training fields are still used - though not for the training of soldiers. Rather,
public events, celebrations, or gatherings can be held on them.
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