Angel Wagenstein

Angel Wagenstein

Angel Raymond Wagenstein ( _bg. Анжел Раймонд Вагенщайн) (born October 17, 1922) is a Bulgarian film director. Wagenstein was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, but spent his childhood in France where his Jewish family emigrated for political reasons.

After graduating screenplay writing in Moscow, he has been working as a screenplay writer for the Bulgarian Cinematography Center and for the DEFA Film Studio (the former East Germany Cinematography Center). He is author of over fifty screenplays for films, documentaries and cartoons. He became famous with his movies about the Bulgarian Communist, especially guerrillas.

His film "Stars", shot in 1959 by the German director Konrad Wolf, was awarded the Special Prize of the Jury at the Cannes Film Festival. He was also director of the Wittgenstein House in Vienna, Austria.

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