Andrzej Bursa

Andrzej Bursa

Andrzej Bursa (March 21 1932-November 15 1957) was a Polish poet and writer. Born in Kraków, he studied journalism, then Bulgarian at Jagellon University in Kraków, then worked as a journalist for the Kraków newspaper "Dziennik Polski".

He published his first poem in 1954. During his lifetime, he published 37 poems and a short story in different magazines. He died of a heart attack in 1957. Shortly thereafter, his first poetry collection was published, an important event in Polish poetry. There is a poetry prize named after Bursa which many present-day Polish poets (e.g. Ewa Lipska and Stanisław Barańczak) have won.

External links

* [http://www. Andrzej Bursa's Poetry on Guernica]
* [ Andrzej Bursa's Poetry]
* [ Page about A. Bursa]
* [ Translation of two prose pieces (in The Cafe Irreal)]

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